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My name in here is robertjr .Ive had grand mal seizures since i was 5.So great being able to come to places like this and talk to others about our problems.Growing up always felt like i was only one with grand mals in the whole town.When i was growing up wasnt told much,back then seemed like wasnt told much.Kinda always inbackground at school,no sports no proms.Evenafter school done fired ,,so many times after a seizure.luckly founda wife and a company that accepted my problems and was ok with my lost time.One big mistake for me was smoking,told i have copd 12 years ago .quit smoking 8 years ago but now have very sever copd ,on oxyjen 24/7.Been seizure free over 4 years but breathing is a big problem now.Starting to wonder how bad things might get on next seizure.Right now anything physical im huffing for air.A seizure with convultions last 2 to 3 minutes..I guess having someone call ambulance and hope is all ican think of.Havent gotten any real answers yet,maybe someone here can help.

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Replies to "My name in here is robertjr .Ive had grand mal seizures since i was 5.So great..."

Hi Robert, nice to e-meet you. Having seizures can definitely be isolating. So few people understand what is happening. You mention that your company was accepting of your medical history and related absences. Was it also an environment where your work colleagues were willing to learn more about epilepsy and seizures?

Am I reading your message correctly that you were seizure free for 4 years but the seizures with convulsions have returned now?

Hi Collen,my last job just told me there were certain jobs i couldnt bid on and couldnt drkve the fork truck.I ended up working 30years for them,had lots of sayso at the end.AlwYs someone to help if i needed it.Couple occassions while in hospital superviser brought me a empoyee of month p!aque,and envelope withmoney,trey had a collection and company matched it: For years i would get a grandmal at work come back and it was sorrycant work here.I learned to give my allcompany gave me chance and they werent sorry.Also ened up having family ,3 children 6 grand children and a wonderful wife..Maybe being born with epilepsy was in the stars.never know.