Back and neck pain after failed surgeries

Posted by shellyg @shellyg, Nov 13, 2016

Help! I'm desperately searching for help for a family member whos experiencing excruciating pain in his back and neck. He's had surgery, injections, burned nerve endings. Still in disabling pain. He goes to docs in small northern Michigan communities. I keep telling him he needs to go to Mayo. Is Mayo known for treatment in this area? How does one get to see a doctor at Mayo?

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@shellyg Urgent cry for help.
First if his pain is uncontrolled, please seek advice from your local emergency room first!!

Second, here is a link for Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Clinic.

Third, very simple process at getting seen at Mayo Clinic, you may call and request an appointment. The scheduling specialist will direct you to the most appropriate department and set you up. If you prefer you may schedule the appointment online. Here is the link for scheduling.

What types of non medicated pain relief methods has he tried? Ice, heat, acupuncture, biofeedback, physical therapy, ect...

Prayers for healing


I think and believe Mayo Clinic is one of the best medical research institute with ability to provide the correct technical service. Personally I had terrible lower back pain and later a very sharp neck pain. If the problem is caused by bone spurs that is a different problem. But my experience was nerves and muscles. I learned more in the internet than I had from doctors. I knew the lower back pain was either intestinal or inflammation. For me it was inflammation. I located liver supplement pills and it helped me with my ability to swallow from ulcers and when in a cruise ship eating in restaurants every meal I increased the pills to 4 a day. To my very surprise suddenly my lower back pain stopped. The source to me is the liver. But my neck pain according a nutrition doctor in the internet is a nerve that travels from the gallbladder to the brain that gets inflamación and causes a lot of pain. The pain is on the right side of the neck and spreads to the shoulder and all the way to the right arm and hand. In my case sharp stiff neck pain. Pain killer medication increased the pain so I stopped taking the pills. I was on a trip in Istanbul and noticed bread and deserts increased the pain and vegetables digressed the pain. I received a suggestion from a friend in Florida who was having health issues. She suggested to remove bread, sugar, and carbohydrates from my diet. Wow that was a very difficult process since I love bread and was in the center of baklava and carbohydrates city. But the neck pain was training me what to eat. By shifting my diet to vegetables and protein (fish, meat, and chicken) my entire health turned around. My neck pain and lower back pain went down to zero. But to my surprise the following also took place: reversed diabetes, all my pain stopped, my GERD completely stopped, my blood pressure became normal, at first few weeks my belly was gone and bloating stopped, I lost 15 pounds, and my memory started to work like never before. I believe understanding the liver and eating fresh foods and avoiding sugar and flour produces a very healthy body. The walls of the veins and nerves are getting affected and the liver is producing a lot of inflammation. Inflammation is very painful. The liver loves vegetables specially raw vegetables. The liver responds quickly to a correct diet as I am learning. Once the pain is gone the wrong foods can be introduced back slowly. Today I had my vegetables but I suddenly had acid stomach and since I woke up from a nap I didn't understand why. I made puff pastry with cheese and I received very strong message that I should not eat that. The liver talk to some of us but no one is willing to hear the message until it is too late. I hope understanding diet and trying for few days will show if that is where the problem is. I will highly recommend Mayo Clinic since they have the ability to diagnose the source of the problem. I was able to help a friend with her ear ringing for over 4 years and no specialist were able to stop it. I advised her of what to do with her diet and it stopped in two days. Now she is a believer in me that what you eat impacts your health.


Thank you! Great information. May i ask what you recommended for the ears? I dont have ringing but tinnitus.


@shellyg Urgent cry for help.
First if his pain is uncontrolled, please seek advice from your local emergency room first!!

Second, here is a link for Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Clinic.

Third, very simple process at getting seen at Mayo Clinic, you may call and request an appointment. The scheduling specialist will direct you to the most appropriate department and set you up. If you prefer you may schedule the appointment online. Here is the link for scheduling.

What types of non medicated pain relief methods has he tried? Ice, heat, acupuncture, biofeedback, physical therapy, ect...

Prayers for healing

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Thank you. He has been to a pain doctor who said openings that nerves go through in the neck are too narrow and are pinching nerves. . He is talking about a procedure which increases size of openings


Thank you! Great information. May i ask what you recommended for the ears? I dont have ringing but tinnitus.

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My understanding most health issues are coming from the liver. I think the liver was designed for the jungle and not the way we eat. I witnessed people healing many illnesses by eating raw vegetables. I have witnessed the effects of raw vegetables but the risk of bacteria makes me boil them. Sof drink or any bottle drink have preservatives and sugar. Sugar substitutes is sugar also. All carbohydrates converts to sugar as I understood. My knowledge is pain based. The pain explains to me what I should do. For the ear for the body to heal it self stay with a pure diet for few days. Mixed vegetables such as zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, celery, some carrots, and artichoke. With protein, salads with olive oil and lemon, fresh fruit but easy on grapes. Peaches, melons are reach in sugar so for few days easy consuming them. Onions, peppers, garlic off off until the ear stops. If it doesn't respond in few days than it could be totally other problem. Unfortunately our Doctors are not nutrition trained. But the new Doctors are being educated with the effects of nutrition. Just remember even a small piece of food that you shouldn't have will take you back. I know clean liver will keep you healthy for a long many years but so far I can't convince the Gastro Doctors and liver specialist that I talked to.

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