For everyone on ENVENITY, I wanted to let you know after 12 treatments my bone density didn’t get better but a little worse. Now they want to do tlymos(sp) and I’m going to think very hard on reasons I should take it, side effects on envenity were rather miserable - joint pain, muscle pain, weight gain (even though they say it’s not common). Just wanted to let you all know my situation now. Anyone experienced side effects on tlymos.
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I took Tymlos for 4 months due to lumbar fusion surgery. The side effects were bad for me- nausea, weakness, severe orthostatic hypotension- daily. I just couldn’t deal with it anymore so I switched to Evenity. I’ve had much milder side effects with Evenity- tolerable but not desirable. Everyone is different and we don’t have many good choices.
Thx you. I’m reading the side effects from Tylmos and they seem to be worse - but I’ve had bad reactions from envenity so I’m hesitate to take the tylmos route. Not sure Medicare will cover it and if so I’m really worried about paying lots of money without results. I have two months to think about it and do more research.
Medicare covered Tymlos for me and now Evenity. As long as MD can show medical necessity and that no other med of this type at a lesser cost will work. Unfortunately all meds have side effects, even aspirin which I can’t take. It all depends on you, your body and what you can tolerate.
Have you considered Forteo? It worked well for me and side effects were minimal and less a problem as I stuck with it. Some slight tummy upset and headache, but quite manageable.
Thxs - Dr said all treatments have been tried with my severe osteoporosis. I will mention this treatment to her - I’m up for anything that I can afford and has a better chance to get some bone growth. If not guess I’ll be walking real slow. Thxs again
You may want to have a second opinion. I am shocked your doctor didn’t know the other medication’s for osteoporosis!
So sorry to hear this. I had great gains from Evenity.
Has your doc checked for any other medical issues you maybe having?
The doctors know what my health issues are. The rheumatologist has diagnosed most of them. I have also tried every other osteoporosis medicine. She told me the last hope is tylmos (which I’m really thinking of not doing). My thyroid is something I’m questioning. I had lost like 20 lbs the year before I started envenity. They decreased my thyroid at the same time I started the treatment. I kept telling my rheumatologist I was having rapid weight gain, bone and muscle pain. She said she never heard of those symptoms going on more than a couple months. She did nothing. Thinking of changing my doctor soon. I’m going to my thyroid doctor next week. FRUSTRATED
I just completed a year on Evenity, and finished it off with an infusion of Reclast which should last a year. I was incredibly fearful, but my dexy scans were compelling evidence that I was in deep trouble. I came to this site and read my worst fears. but I’m here today to say that I have come through, and it was worth it. I’ve moved from severe osteoporosis to osteopenia. I can resume normal activities. I was in tears in my Dr’s office and so was she. I feel moved to share this, because of how frightened I was.
Before every infusion of Evenity, I dosed myself with arnica 200. I felt it was helpful. I sent up prayers to the universe that the drug would do what it was supposed to and nothing more. I read this forum a lot. I worried, a lot. But I’m so glad now that I saw it through.
In no way am I minimizing the difficulties others have experienced here, I feel huge compassion. For those who are trying to make a decision about what path to take, I feel you. I’m hoping my experience might be encouraging to some, because I would have liked to have read this when I was in such turmoil about what to do.