Somatic vs Germline Lynch Syndrome
I was diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome based on pathology reports on two different colon polyps, both of which noted MLH1 loss. I understand there's a big difference between somatic and germline Lynch Syndrome. Can anyone explain this and how to determine which it is?
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@brownsf, here's an article that helps to explain:
- Differentiating Lynch-like from Lynch Syndrome
In plainer language, see this article:
- Constitutional (germline) vs somatic (tumour) variants
"Constitutional (also known as germline) variants are present in all the body’s cells, including the germ cells, and can therefore be passed on to offspring; somatic variants arise during an individual’s lifetime in tissues other than the germ cells and so are not passed on."
Thanks! Very helpful.
I'm a patient at UCSF. They have people who specialize in Lynch Syndrome and are ordering a MLH1 Promoter Methylation test on the polyps to sort this out.
Hi - I suggest you give a call to Exact Sciences, Madison Wisconsin, they are one of the most advanced firms regarding genetic testing.