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I think i will just email my dr on what I have been doing, in hopes she supports me wanting to get off the med. I did take 75mg an hour ago and it helped.

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Replies to "I think i will just email my dr on what I have been doing, in hopes..."

You’re going to be ok and you’re going to ween off successfully, but you MUST ween incredibly slowly. Docs notoriously suggest a regimen that is too fast for folks and leads to horrible withdrawal. If you give yourself, say, a year (don’t freak out!) to ween off, then cut back amounts accordingly, you will not only get off the drug, but with minimal or zero withdrawal. I did.

Thank being said, after 6 mo this med-free, my anxiety and depression came back. (I suppose I got it in my genes... who knows). But I am taking a low dose combo of seroquel at night (half tab of lowest dose made) and 50 mg of zoloft.

It’s not Effexor. So there’s that :).

Just please take care of yourself and your brain!