On Valentines I found out I too have colon cancer.

Posted by fightingcancer @fightingcancer, Mar 23 12:20am

Hi Everyone
I don't have a huge support system, My baby sister is battling colon cancer and all effort and support are on her, as well other family member the are ill, but Im ok with this, but as my surgery is schedule for this next Wednesday, all my effort are been to keep my kids an husband at some peace, This was a routine colonoscopy just to make sure I was ok, all my sibling had it done except me, I just got insurance. Well, I'm stressing because oh my this out of pockets are very costly plus all the stuff, I need to pay ut front until my insurance start to pay, but it could been worst, sorry for the rant. I will like to know how bad is after surgery, Im a women I been in lots of pain since the colonoscopy they removed 5 polyps 3 where carcinogen, one was huge. I Do understand the reason of this, but is debilitating, my babies specially my young one is having many emotions, I tried keeping this a secret but the kid is a smart one. Im not sure how bad, is the pain going to be since they will removed 1ft of colon (sigmoid) I guess they have to removed the lymph nodes, I will like to know what to eat before hand something the won't make this worse after surgery. I stop eating meats since they hurt my colon bad i eat vegetables and soups, I can't have dairy, i'm a tad confuse on what to prepared, for your experiences what should I expect. recuperation, Pain, for some reason Im petrified, very worry, about my kids, since my husband seems like a lost puppy, wish is making me insane, this just started, any guidance will help me.
Thank you all, and stay healthy and strong.

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I had 30cm removed after finding tumor in my transverse colon. The surgery honestly went well was only in the hospital for 2 days. I was afraid to eat anything but soft foods but they make sure you are able to have a BM/ gas before leaving. Once home was informed I didn’t have limitations. I kept with eggs, protein shakes, pancakes and smoothies. Took about 4-6 weeks to heal. They took 13 lymph nodes and was officially diagnosed Stage 2B colon cancer. Ask your surgeon any questions you might have.


I had a large part of my sigmoid removed (that’s where my large tumor was) and also my right ovary, cecum and appendix, along with some mesh from a prior hernia repair. I have two sites where they reconnected my colon.
They removed 37 lymph nodes and non were cancerous. I did try chemo but my body couldn’t tolerate it.
It’s hard, but if you just surrender and recognize nothing is in our control, it may bring peace. I’m sorry you are dealing with so much, and don’t feel supported.


You may want to get in touch with a Nurse Navigator or the social worker. They will be able to help you explain what is happening to both your husband and your children. You also need support with the insurance and finances, not sure of your situation, but you want to be on top of that as there will be enough stress on your family. Hugs and stay strong.


I had a large part of my sigmoid removed (that’s where my large tumor was) and also my right ovary, cecum and appendix, along with some mesh from a prior hernia repair. I have two sites where they reconnected my colon.
They removed 37 lymph nodes and non were cancerous. I did try chemo but my body couldn’t tolerate it.
It’s hard, but if you just surrender and recognize nothing is in our control, it may bring peace. I’m sorry you are dealing with so much, and don’t feel supported.

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Thank you, I’m worried about my children and their well being. Seems like money is always the subject. But if I survive the surgery I guess my battle won’t be over chemo is one thing I seen take a beating on my sister. Which scared me a lot. But I’m so tired of been exhausted. One great thing now is the I have stopped eating meats and taking bad carbs out of my diet except bread that’s my Achilles heel and I feel great not foggy not as moody. But so much to do and no time. I hope you feel better too. We will see how this goes. I guess. I have 2 options the I can control much. To a better healthy life!


You may want to get in touch with a Nurse Navigator or the social worker. They will be able to help you explain what is happening to both your husband and your children. You also need support with the insurance and finances, not sure of your situation, but you want to be on top of that as there will be enough stress on your family. Hugs and stay strong.

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Yes, thank you, my kids did a go fund me. I always been the one the help and donated to this causes supported other so it’s weird to ask for help since everyone is struggling, but I realized the even when you help other people don’t help you. But the ones they do I’m grateful for. After I pay the 16k I will only have to pay 20% so I’m hoping not to have to increased more hospital bills. Yes I will reached out to the social worker. See if they can help or guide me.


Yes, thank you, my kids did a go fund me. I always been the one the help and donated to this causes supported other so it’s weird to ask for help since everyone is struggling, but I realized the even when you help other people don’t help you. But the ones they do I’m grateful for. After I pay the 16k I will only have to pay 20% so I’m hoping not to have to increased more hospital bills. Yes I will reached out to the social worker. See if they can help or guide me.

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Ask for the help and it will find you. I am with you ❤️


Ask for the help and it will find you. I am with you ❤️

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If I do my family will know im ill, I don't want to upset myself.


Hi everyone wish me luck surgery is tomorrow prep was a tad confusing and uncomfortable. looking forward to be done with all of this soon! missing my babies already!

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