A relaxing conversation: Which fictional character would you dine with

Posted by Morgan17 @harmony11, Mar 15 5:33pm

If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Just for a relaxing conversation
Personally, I'd choose to have dinner with Sherlock Holmes. Imagine the fascinating conversation—his keen observations, brilliant deductions, and perhaps even some witty banter. Plus, I’d love to hear about his adventures straight from him!

What about you? Would it be someone adventurous, magical, or maybe just hilarious?👨‍🦳👴❤✝

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I would love to dine with the Little Prince for his wisdom. “What’s essential is invisible to the eyes.”


Anne of Green Gables. She got me through a horrible childhood. to this day. She is constant in my life. I reread the books. I love her cheerful demeanor. I love her imagination. She brings me joy.


Gandalf. And my reasons would fill another book.
Best always,


John Yossarian from Catch-22. From a TBI everything seems to be a catch 22.


What a great thread!
I like your original pick of Sherlock Holmes - and also favor the joy it would be to sit with Winnie-the-Pooh.
I wonder if there are characters who I could dine with to get the answer to the question, "What were you thinking??" Or maybe some who would just benefit from a hug.
You may or may not know that we use books to discuss health topics on the Mayo Clinic Read.Talk.Grow podcast. We've discussed characters with hives, kindney failure, paranoid delusions, cancer and more. Check us out in the Mayo Clinic Connect podcast area - or wherever you get your podcasts


Probably Katniss from hunger games

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