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Hey, Chicago, please keep reading and stay with us. Last thing you probably want to hear right now is to exercise and meditate, but it can help, if only a little. Also know that there are other medications out there that can help with depression. I can honestly attest that I successfully weened off Effexor - however, my anxiety and depression came back. But now I’m on seroquel and zoloft. I feel almost normal. I am very functional and am able to be a mom and wife. It’s sucks so bad having to be medicated just to feel normal. I would do anything to be as happy as some people seem despite not being medicated. I often wonder if it would have been better if I never started taking meds over twenty years ago. But what’s done is done. Please talk to a doctor or another doctor or nurse practitioner or pharmacist for something to help at least while you get yourself off Effexor. Perhaps even something homeopathic? Have you looked at any posts by Brightwings? CBD works fabulously for some folks! (Not me, but everyone is different). It’s worth a shot!

Stay in touch.

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Replies to "Hey, Chicago, please keep reading and stay with us. Last thing you probably want to hear..."

I appreciate your concern.
“It’s sucks so bad having to be medicated just to feel normal. I would do anything to be as happy as some people seem despite not being medicated”. So true. It’s hard for me to accept this reality so I went off.
I would have continued taking the meds if they’d helped me. But they don’t. Only the first 5-6 months I felt some improvements. Then they’ve become like one those life-sustaining devises. If you discontinue them you’re dead but with them you’re not “living” anyway. Well those devices don’t give you any side effects at least. But antidepressants have a full bouquet. Again, I will bear most of the side effects if I feel like meds are helping.
I haven’t tried CBD, not sure if it could help cause my worst symptoms are vertigo, nightmares, mood swings and absolute loss of coordination.
The shitty part here is that most of them are mental (except vertigo n dizziness) so I’m pretty sure my doc can’t prescribe anything but another dose of psychoactive drug. Check mate here.