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Hi, @sl144er - I believe that @brightwings had experience with going cold turkey off venlafaxine (Effexor) and may have some input to share from her experiences.

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Replies to "Hi, @sl144er - I believe that @brightwings had experience with going cold turkey off venlafaxine (Effexor)..."

Bright Wings here,
Oh yes, I was getting off this last drug.

And I'm an RN.

I started getting off in September of 2017. I took my dosage, 150 mg, then decided that was my last medication.
I did not do any homework, or read the cautions.
Long story short, I had such a bad nightmare, and as a result, I had a full on STROKE
I found this fantastic website in january, 2018.
I have since completely recovered.
It's been a long road back.
Taper, please taper, but it's your choice, how much you want to suffer.
Its doable, just take your time.
Smiling at you, Bright Wings