Are you taking Effexor now secretwhitepop? I’ve been following you for quite some time with many of the same symptoms except I’m still on Effexor xl 75 and every time I try to wean down, I have difficulty.
Even with that I have a lot of depression and I’m just not myself. My whole personality and zest for life is so different.
Dr just added 5mg Abilify and I feel worse . Went up to 10mg a couple days ago and I feel worse yet. I don’t understand the logic to if it’s not working and you don’t feel well, then add to it until you level out. Makes no sense to me!
I was a teacher and medical insurance service for much of my career life but I’m now 76 years old and retired for about 10 years. I think that’s a big part of it – keeping busy and feeling worthwhile.
I’ve tried part-time jobs, volunteerism, etc. but have physical problems now that keep me from moving forward there.
I’m divorced for a long time, had two children with one now living in Florida with his wife and daughter, my granddaughter, who is 20 years old. Each of whom are so happy and I try to visit when I can.
My daughter and her husband and three children lived in the town I do but my 47 yr old daughter passed away of ovarian cancer about 3 1/2 years ago and I’m struggling so much missing her. It must be PTSD. Two of the grandchildren are away at school and my granddaughter is home with her dad. I do as much with my granddaughter I possibly can. Kids are so busy these days
I see a psychiatrist and a psychologist and can’t seem to break through this mental anguish
Even really true friends are backing off now because it’s no fun being with me the way I am even when I fight it.
They and my son have given me so much support for the last three or four years. They feel helpless in trying to get me out of this having never experienced it. I have no other immediate family.
Thanks for caring to read this
Oh Nancy, I feel for you. I can’t imagine some of the things you’re feeling, mostly, the loss.
To answer your question, I am no longer taking Effexor. For the sake of time I’ll just tell you, I was feeling well emotionally, but I wanted a better sex life and thought going off Effexor would help. So, I weened off slowly, got tremendous anxiety and depression, constantly cried and lost 19 pounds. I also sold a house, bought a house and moved my family to a new state. (During this time my dad died and we moved mom three times in one year to find a good fit for her dementia...)
So! My new doc says I’m bipolar, put me on seroquel to stabilize me and zoloft to lift my mood.
Gotta be honest. It’s working, but not as well as Effexor did. Of course, perhaps it’s my circumstance?
So, during my “mania” my husband and I also changed jobs... and, to sort of go along with what you said about keeping busy, weekends are the toughest!
I have said that all “this” is merely a distraction to keep my mind out of my own head.
Part of me wonders if this is the normal human experience... almost like I made it through so much of my life unscathed and only now I’m dealing with real life... (I say that because I work in the public school system and what some of these kids go through is heartbreaking)
Church, volunteering, scheduling time to read or go to the library, make a friend with a total stranger, reinvent yourself, meditate... all these things help.
Keep writing. I’ll respond.