So, off to a good start with triplet therapy.
If no financial toxicity involved with Orgovyx, would definitely discuss with my medical team. Advantages:
it doesn't have the flare that Lupron does
faster to castration
higher sustained castration rates
quicker recovery when stopping though with his clinical data, not sure intermittent therapy is in the cards
No visits to the doctors office to get the shot(s).
Same side effects though, no T is exactly that.
It does have a lower CV side effect profile
@northoftheborder is right about the lutamides...
@jeffmarc is right about life expectancy, the advances brought about by medical research make those guestimates out of date. More and more I see where in situations such as his, taking out the mother ship (prostate) is part of reducing the tumor burden.
I'm with @heavyphil on the out of the box treatments, he is not there, trust the science.
In my experience, best ways to mitigate the side effects:
Managing stress
all in moderation...
Thought for the day…”Diligent monitoring and proactive treatments have served me very well. When your cancer advances after your original treatment, it's a lifelong hobby.”
You can keep your hobby, I want to dis own my PCa hobby