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Replies to "It's a shame that so many of us have to suffer due to medical devices not..."
Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: 43 minutes ago | Replies (7)
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Replies to "It's a shame that so many of us have to suffer due to medical devices not..."
I drafted a reply and my computer ate it - I don't think we will reach a place where any device is required to be tested for its expected life of 5-10-20- years before release, and science and medicine do not yet have a way to do this outside the body.
My implants were bothering me for 3+ years before the manufacturer reached out to the surgeons with recommendations for metallosis testing.
The biggest problem isn't lack of testing, it is lack of a comprehensive registry of all devices and the people to whom they have been sold, as well as an enforceable requirement that efforts be made to notify the patients promptly when concerns arise.
And another accessible registry of all devices/parts that are causing issues so patients and providers are informed.
By the time my implants were removed and replaced, I was critically ill.