Driving with Numb Feet.

Posted by davidpn @davidpn, Jul 25, 2023

Over the past year the numbness in my feet has increased and at times I find my foot slipping off the brake. I’ve kept my driving to less than 2 miles and this might occur about once per drive.

My license is due for renewal and the medical form filled out three years ago (numbness not as bad) is due to be resubmitted. I can’t lie to doctors and pretend everything is okay but I do have a question.

Can any one recommend a shoe, currently using skechers which has helped with walking, that might help this problem.

Thanks much.

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For what its worth my nissan dealer could not recommend.. He felt that after market product like this were not reliable. Has anyone had a good experience with non slip foot pedals and if so where were they purchased?


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That could be why the pedals I received didn’t fit like they were supposed to…


The Xero shoes do fit true to size. The toe box is wider than most other shoes and don’t feel flimsy but they are flexible. The lace up ones are tighter but I personally like the slip on. They worked well for me for driving

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xeroshoes are a strikeout for me. They are too narrow and the opening of the shoe is too small. Especially aggravates 1 foot that swells due too old injury.


I have numbness down side of my right leg, centering around the ankle & extending to bottom 1/3 of the foot. I have been diagnosed with some compression of L5-S1. The reason I went to MD was this NEAR miss auto accident. Instead of hitting the brake when the car before me stopped, my foot had 'traveled' to hover over the accelerator & when I pressed the "brake" down to stop my car-it shot forward. Thankfully left lane was open & I steered into that lane. This happened one more time but I had begun putting my car into park every time I stopped so all that happened was my car's engine roared like my car was on the NASCAR starting line & the flag just waved. But every time I talked to the Neuro/orthopedic about these incidents-concerns, questioning what was going on & what can I do to resolve it, I could see a mental shrug -and no one had any comment regarding possible reason or advice to correct. When I read others talking about their problems -then read several articles about results of Clinical Research & driving with diabetic peripheral neuropathy linked, I wanted to sob. When I continue seeking more info & answers & discovered written material about spine compression, peripheral neuropathy & problems driving because their foot had "traveled' over the pedals - I did sob. To me it was confirmation I wasn't crazy! Any advice about how to resolve or any shared experience would be greatly appreciated. I have felt like I was stranded on an island, seeing nothing but water then suddenly I seeing a boat. Thank you for your time reading. Wishing all the very best.


I have numbness down side of my right leg, centering around the ankle & extending to bottom 1/3 of the foot. I have been diagnosed with some compression of L5-S1. The reason I went to MD was this NEAR miss auto accident. Instead of hitting the brake when the car before me stopped, my foot had 'traveled' to hover over the accelerator & when I pressed the "brake" down to stop my car-it shot forward. Thankfully left lane was open & I steered into that lane. This happened one more time but I had begun putting my car into park every time I stopped so all that happened was my car's engine roared like my car was on the NASCAR starting line & the flag just waved. But every time I talked to the Neuro/orthopedic about these incidents-concerns, questioning what was going on & what can I do to resolve it, I could see a mental shrug -and no one had any comment regarding possible reason or advice to correct. When I read others talking about their problems -then read several articles about results of Clinical Research & driving with diabetic peripheral neuropathy linked, I wanted to sob. When I continue seeking more info & answers & discovered written material about spine compression, peripheral neuropathy & problems driving because their foot had "traveled' over the pedals - I did sob. To me it was confirmation I wasn't crazy! Any advice about how to resolve or any shared experience would be greatly appreciated. I have felt like I was stranded on an island, seeing nothing but water then suddenly I seeing a boat. Thank you for your time reading. Wishing all the very best.

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Hi @bamaanswerseeker,

I moved your discussion and combined it with an existing discussion titled:

"Driving with Numb Feet."
- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/driving-with-numb-feet-f/

Although it is a lengthy discussion, it has many members who shared their experiences with driving issues and neuropathy. @rivermaya34, @davidpn, @johnbishop and @rkjb1951 all shared their frustrations and what they have tried in regards to driving and their neuropathy.


I have numbness down side of my right leg, centering around the ankle & extending to bottom 1/3 of the foot. I have been diagnosed with some compression of L5-S1. The reason I went to MD was this NEAR miss auto accident. Instead of hitting the brake when the car before me stopped, my foot had 'traveled' to hover over the accelerator & when I pressed the "brake" down to stop my car-it shot forward. Thankfully left lane was open & I steered into that lane. This happened one more time but I had begun putting my car into park every time I stopped so all that happened was my car's engine roared like my car was on the NASCAR starting line & the flag just waved. But every time I talked to the Neuro/orthopedic about these incidents-concerns, questioning what was going on & what can I do to resolve it, I could see a mental shrug -and no one had any comment regarding possible reason or advice to correct. When I read others talking about their problems -then read several articles about results of Clinical Research & driving with diabetic peripheral neuropathy linked, I wanted to sob. When I continue seeking more info & answers & discovered written material about spine compression, peripheral neuropathy & problems driving because their foot had "traveled' over the pedals - I did sob. To me it was confirmation I wasn't crazy! Any advice about how to resolve or any shared experience would be greatly appreciated. I have felt like I was stranded on an island, seeing nothing but water then suddenly I seeing a boat. Thank you for your time reading. Wishing all the very best.

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Hello @bamaanswerseeker, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @JustinMcClanahan and others. I have numb feet with my neuropathy and what helps me are comfortable shoes with a flatter sole so they don't catch on the edge pedals. @steeldove mentioned using hand controls helps in another discussion here - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/157046/.

Another neuropathy patient shared a similar story to yours below. The article has a link at the bottom to information on hand controls - https://www.foundationforpn.org/driving-with-peripheral-neuropathy/.


The problems I'm having trying to drive with neuropathy in my feet isn't the numbness, it's the pain. It's gotten so bad in the past few months that my wife has had to take over driving duties whenever we go somewhere together in her minivan.
Even with the driver's seat all the way back, just the pressure of putting my right foot on the accelerator, and especially the brake pedal makes the pain and burning go through the roof. I can handle the pain for short distances, I took her van in to get it serviced one morning last week, but anything more than that, and she has to do the driving. I drove a truck for a living, and have always done the driving. I can still drive my S-10 p/u when I need/want to, it has more legroom, but I'm still in pain by the time I get home. This is beyond frustrating.


I have numbness down side of my right leg, centering around the ankle & extending to bottom 1/3 of the foot. I have been diagnosed with some compression of L5-S1. The reason I went to MD was this NEAR miss auto accident. Instead of hitting the brake when the car before me stopped, my foot had 'traveled' to hover over the accelerator & when I pressed the "brake" down to stop my car-it shot forward. Thankfully left lane was open & I steered into that lane. This happened one more time but I had begun putting my car into park every time I stopped so all that happened was my car's engine roared like my car was on the NASCAR starting line & the flag just waved. But every time I talked to the Neuro/orthopedic about these incidents-concerns, questioning what was going on & what can I do to resolve it, I could see a mental shrug -and no one had any comment regarding possible reason or advice to correct. When I read others talking about their problems -then read several articles about results of Clinical Research & driving with diabetic peripheral neuropathy linked, I wanted to sob. When I continue seeking more info & answers & discovered written material about spine compression, peripheral neuropathy & problems driving because their foot had "traveled' over the pedals - I did sob. To me it was confirmation I wasn't crazy! Any advice about how to resolve or any shared experience would be greatly appreciated. I have felt like I was stranded on an island, seeing nothing but water then suddenly I seeing a boat. Thank you for your time reading. Wishing all the very best.

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You need to find a good orthopedic team at a reputable hospital.
Gabapentin may help.


Hi @bamaanswerseeker,

I moved your discussion and combined it with an existing discussion titled:

"Driving with Numb Feet."
- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/driving-with-numb-feet-f/

Although it is a lengthy discussion, it has many members who shared their experiences with driving issues and neuropathy. @rivermaya34, @davidpn, @johnbishop and @rkjb1951 all shared their frustrations and what they have tried in regards to driving and their neuropathy.

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When my feet be a e so numb and Icouldnt feel the brake pedal or the gas pedal,I had to install hand controls in my car at a cost of 5K.
The thought of me not being able to remain independent killed me.
Having to ask someone for a ride to get my hair done or my nails done was stressing me out.
I’m so happy I can get up and drive to my appts whenever I need to.

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