A year ago, at age 68 I found I had a vaginal prolapse in addition to my osteoporosis. I could feel the prolapse in the vaginal area and impacted my activity. As soon as I discovered the prolapse, I stopped working with weight machines, walking 3 miles daily, and Osteostrong. I was able to get an appointment right away with a gynecologist and also discussed in detail with my primary care person. Every individual's situation is different (and for me, I was told I did not "cause" the prolapse with the weight machines. These weight machines were seated, for example chest press, lateral pull down, shoulder press, etc.)
After the visit with the gynecologist and primary care person, I did begin walking 3 miles a day but at a slower, steady pace. In addition, I attended a series of physical therapy appointments with someone who specialized in pelvic floor health to learn correct exercises I could do for my situation.
I researched and continued to self-limit myself with weight machines and Osteostrong due to my concerns and worry about making anything worse. I wanted another opinion and double check on continuing with the weight machines. It took months to get in, but I saw another doctor (urogynecologist) for another prolapse opinion. With this doctor I decided to have surgery to have the prolapse repaired, (and for my situation, it was approved to work with seated weight machines). All of these appointments and surgery schedule took about a year, and 7 weeks ago I had the surgical repair.
I am very happy with the result and have no regrets! I am being careful with a slow and steady recovery and look forward to being as active as I was prior to the discovery of the prolapse. My post surgery appointments have been going very well.
Did you ever feel like your bladder was never empty or the urge of urine before and or after surgery