Sick and tired of being sick and tired.....
I just need to vent. It's hard when you have nobody to talk to or people tell you "it's all in your head". I am 42 years old and sick.....For over 10 years I have been dealing with so many health issues and can't seem to find the right answers. Seems having government insurance doesn't get you answers at all. I have been desperate for answers for so long, I ended up giving up after feeling like I was in a dead end circle. But, I am so tired of living this way and I know this is not a normal way to live, so I don't want to give up. I want to keep going, but, don't know where to begin. I have seen different rheumatologist, neurologist, primary doctors, etc. The first rheumatologist runs tests and diagnoses me with several different arthritis' and puts me on several medications (not to mention a chemo treatment that made me sicker). Kept me on all of the medications for years, even with me continuously telling him that they were not helping, I didn't feel any better at all. Decided to see a new Rheumatologist, only to be told I was misdiagnosed by the previous one and I don't have any types of arthritis and "nothing"' is wrong. Same thing happened with the Neurologist, first one tells me I have a brain aneurysm, get a second opinion and that one tells me I don't have an aneurysm. Several neurologist, diagnoses and medications, still feel the same. The most recent neurologist tells me I have every symptom of MS, yet, can't treat me for it or diagnose me, because I don't have MS lesions on my brain. (was that so called aneurysm seen on my scan by the first neurologist an MS lesion).
It's never ending and still no answers. I don't even remember what it like to feel "normal". I have been so desperate for answers for so long. I just want to feel somewhat 'normal" and be able to enjoy this short life we have. I miss being able to get up and live a normal life and enjoy the day. I miss being able to get up and go to work. I miss being able to run around the yard playing with my kids. I NEED ANSWERS AND CAN'T GET THEM. Thank you so much for letting me vent, there's so much more I could have written, but, it would have been so much longer than what I have already typed.
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Of course if your on medications that needs to be taken into account. All my information comes from books written by Medical Professionals or their videos. When it comes to vitamin/mineral supplementation Dr Berg is the best source I have found yet. Almost every book I have has recommended supplements to some degree and I have books from several different specialist. I understand your apprehension though.
@trfire Care needs to be taken with supplementation. I wouldn’t want people to rush out and ingest the items noted without first checking with their doctors.