Hi, @cariloo
I'm 80, so I understand what you mean by the pressure that the passage of time brings! I feel it, too.
I forget who suggested I try the Practice of One, but, after first scoffing at the idea (too New Agey!), I tried it, and it has worked for me for 10-20 years, Before I gave this fellow's advice a try, I'd find myself still in bed but half-awake and riddled with anxiety, beating up on myself for all the things I'd left undone the day before and worried (pre-worried?) about how I was going to get done all of the things that loomed in the day ahead. I'd become my own worst enemy. These days, after coming downstairs and pressing the Mr. Coffee ON button, I plop in my favorite chair and clear any clutter I've left from the night before. My aim is to have on the little table beside me one Composition notebook, my good pen, whatever book I'm currently reading (right now that's Fernando Pessoa's Book of Disquiet), and some book of poetry (this morning it was Wendell Berry's Complete Poems).
The Practice of One works for me. Give it a try. You may like it, too.
Ray (@ray666)
Where is that? How do I access it?