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Wow! You truly summed it up! I appreciated that. Truly. I’m one of those folks that want desperately to be drug free. But wanna know what happened when I went off (well, very slowly weened - successfully, I might add, when it came to side effects). I moved my family from our home of 15 years, bought a house and two pieces of property and got another job. (About to leave the one I’ve had for over 20 years - all while on Effexor)

There’s no denying that I, personally, have a more stable life while on SSRI or SNRI’s. There’s no denying that my family suffers when I am drug-free (although I’ve only done this the one time).

While I didn’t make completely irrational decisions and, being drug free “inspired” me to take chances I hadn’t previously taken - I can’t say I regret my decisions. Additionally, I am in the middle of family loss and menopause! Ha!

I am grateful for my family and friend who stuck around. And, I am slowly accepting that I am a happier and much more stable person with the assistance of meds.

Not sure I’ll go back on Effexor, but there’s a chance I will since I’m on two meds now and would prefer just one 🙂

Anyway - thanks.

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Replies to "Wow! You truly summed it up! I appreciated that. Truly. I’m one of those folks that..."

That's great I am glad you are doing well.

I am withdrawing from 37.5mg venlafaxine. I took them every other day for a couple weeks, then one a few days ago as the brain tingles came back. I have many 75mg capsules left that I can cut open on a mirror to make smaller doses, e.g. 10-15 mg. I will use these as necessary to finish the extended tapering. No way I'm going back on that stuff. I want some things to bother me.

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The effects are annoying enough that I found you guys trying to find out more. Now it appears the tapering may take longer but is working. I'm glad I still have my 75mg stash (not to mention the 150mg-was on 300mg/day 2 years ago) and some single edge blades. Better buy a few empty capsules, too.