Sick and tired of being sick and tired.....
I just need to vent. It's hard when you have nobody to talk to or people tell you "it's all in your head". I am 42 years old and sick.....For over 10 years I have been dealing with so many health issues and can't seem to find the right answers. Seems having government insurance doesn't get you answers at all. I have been desperate for answers for so long, I ended up giving up after feeling like I was in a dead end circle. But, I am so tired of living this way and I know this is not a normal way to live, so I don't want to give up. I want to keep going, but, don't know where to begin. I have seen different rheumatologist, neurologist, primary doctors, etc. The first rheumatologist runs tests and diagnoses me with several different arthritis' and puts me on several medications (not to mention a chemo treatment that made me sicker). Kept me on all of the medications for years, even with me continuously telling him that they were not helping, I didn't feel any better at all. Decided to see a new Rheumatologist, only to be told I was misdiagnosed by the previous one and I don't have any types of arthritis and "nothing"' is wrong. Same thing happened with the Neurologist, first one tells me I have a brain aneurysm, get a second opinion and that one tells me I don't have an aneurysm. Several neurologist, diagnoses and medications, still feel the same. The most recent neurologist tells me I have every symptom of MS, yet, can't treat me for it or diagnose me, because I don't have MS lesions on my brain. (was that so called aneurysm seen on my scan by the first neurologist an MS lesion).
It's never ending and still no answers. I don't even remember what it like to feel "normal". I have been so desperate for answers for so long. I just want to feel somewhat 'normal" and be able to enjoy this short life we have. I miss being able to get up and live a normal life and enjoy the day. I miss being able to get up and go to work. I miss being able to run around the yard playing with my kids. I NEED ANSWERS AND CAN'T GET THEM. Thank you so much for letting me vent, there's so much more I could have written, but, it would have been so much longer than what I have already typed.
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Can you tell us what your symptoms are? Pain, fatigue, nausea? What tests have you had? What medications are you on?
Have any of these doctors done a full blood workup on you? The results say a lot and I have found some don't and I have to request it.
I feel for you. I will go ahead and say it. Som rheumatologists are some of the most condescending arrogant A holes I have ever seen. And now with all the billionaires, I can hardly watch the news. Anyway I wish you the best!
I have so many symptoms, but, will list the main ones. Numbness and tingling limbs, vertigo, blurred vision, fatigue, and really bad brain fog. I have had a hard time getting my doctors to do much testing. I have had a nerve study done twice. First doctor that done it, put me on several medications and said it was severe neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy. The medications were not helping and I wasn't feeling any better. So, I got a second opinion, the next dr told me I was misdiagnosed and didn't have either types of neuropathy. I've had several brain scans, been told I have an aneurysm, extra cluster of something (i can't even remember, but they said it was normal). After getting another opinion, was told it wasn't an aneurysm, it was a shadow. I am currently not taking any medications as everything they put me on was not helping. I gave up, stopped going to all of the specialist and stopped all medications.
I can’t begin to imagine living the way you are including the frustration of conflicting diagnoses and taking useless medication. You say you have insurance.
Have you tried to get a referral to a specialist at one of the best hospitals like Mayo or Cleveland?
I'm in the same leaky boat. I'm going into my 3rd year of trying to find something to explain my constant pain.
I'm on a first name basis with a bunch of roomytologists and endo-cringe-ologists and have come to the conclusion that they're all basically just guessing. Fortunately for me, having been diagnosed with bipolar syndrome and in the "care" of shrinks for decades, I have become quite tolerant of the blind squirrels hunting for their nuts. Don't know what to sat, other than don't give up. I've heard stories about people who reviver from these mystery ailments.
I know it gets tedious to hear, but I do find that regular exercise does help to alleviate my pain, somewhat.
A firm, but gentle, hug to you and best of luck!
Hi, applaud you for hanging in there for so long and also for making the decision to stop all medications if they weren't helping. I will try to stay off my soap box but it sounds like most of your symptoms could be helped or corrected by vitamins and minerals which is actually the root cause of a majority of health problems. Unfortunately there isn't as much money in those treatments. Most people are deficient in order of Importance D3, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium and Omega 3 fatty acids. I have spent considerable time the past 17 years on health/nutrition and your story is becoming more common unfortunately. If you don't mind I am going to tell you what I would do given these symptoms and give a reference for additional info. I would stop eating all grains, sugar/carbs except those from vegetables and anything with seed oils in it. Stick with grass fed/finshed red meat, organic chicken/pasture raised chicken eggs, salmon/cod from Alaskan waters, vegetables especially cruciferous and sautéed in coconut,olive or avocado oil. I would take 50, 000 iu's a day of D3 and enough K2/Mk7 to go with it, 300 to 400 mg of magnesium glycinate, 30-50mg of zinc picolinate and the proper amount of copper to go with it which would be 3-5 mg (10-1 ratio) and you need 4700 mg of potassium a day. You can deduct from these amounts if you can reasonably estimate how much your getting from your diet. The D3 doesn't work/without the K2 or Magnesium or Zinc and they don't work without the D3. D3 is fat soluble so needs to be taken with food. You can take zinc or Magnesium with it but not both. Take the other at a seperate time. I would also begin intermittent fasting asap for a 16 to 18 hour fast each day building up to be able to do a 3/5/7 day fast eventually. Building up your immune system by replenishing your nutrients and avoiding the root cause being toxic food. On Facebook look up Dr Berg for info/videos on vitamins/ minerals and what the do for the body and what symptoms you have if deficient. On YouTube type in amazing benefits of fasting and it should be a Indian doctor wearing a head cap/bandana with glasses. Great info on fasting.
Dear @sickandtired82
My wife has the same things and she gets old,\. She takes pills at night that helps her. 2 weeks ago, she was at a doctor,but has not talking to her - yet.
Her pain is in her feet,legs,back.
We are checking a waytohelpherand her body.
Greg D. @greg1956
Maybe you already mentioned, but have you ever had Covid-19?
If I read your message correctly, you say to take 50,000 (fifty thousand) International Units (IU) of Vitamin D3 per day?
From what Ive read and been told by my GP, the
most commonly Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for VD3 is 4,000 IU/day. From what I've read and heard, VD3 can be toxic if taken at that level for sustained periods.
Fasting: You don't mention any initial criteria to determine whether fasting for such durations is safe. I'd want to get a doc's opinion before starving myself for up to a week's time on a regular basis. Does someone with diabetes want to stop feeding for such lengthy periods?