One knee replacement and will never have another one!
Hello to all of my fellow knee sufferers! I had a TKR in 2020. I had a very rough time after the surgery…..allergies to pain meds etc and had to only take Tylenol! PT for six months following surgery. My knee (right) is still painful and stiff, even after the replacement. I had this done at a top Boston hospital with a surgeon that came highly recommended. However, his answer to me with all of this pain and stiffness is “It will never be the knee that God gave you.” Oh, great!!! My left knee is bad but I could never go through this surgery again. I have had cortisone shots to the left knee which are no longer working and recently received three gel shots, which did not help. Both of my knees are so painful! Should I seek out a dr who deals with pain? I don’t know what else to do. Other than these knee issues, I am in good health and am 75 years old (although, other than these knees, I don’t feel like I am 75!!!!). Any suggestions or help would be deeply appreciated! I have tried knee braces, creams, ointments, Voltaran, Advil, Tylenol etc. Nothng has helped!!! Thank you, in advance, for any input! MaryAnn from Boston
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*not bug weight loss,
a big weight loss.
What is your preference, a pain medication or muscle relaxer?
Hello, I joined this forum for information as I'm approaching the inevitable decision of having a TKR. Having already been through the worst pain of my life with a torn meniscus, TKR is the only option according to my ortho. I'm grateful to have a place to read about others' experiences. Pain and recovery are uppermost in my mind, and that's different for everyone. Pain meds are not prescribed here except in extreme cases, so I'd like to know how you have managed pain, and how soon you were required to walk. Thank you for sharing your stories.
Mary Ann, I am now 77 and I have the exact same situation. After one recommended doctor, repaired the miniscus after a minor fall about 10 years ago and was told he screwed that up, by another highly recommended doctor, and said I had to replace the knee . It has been painfull ever since, more so, than after the fall.
Now I understand I should have left the minicus mend itself. After 10 years and now with hip and low back pain from compensating. I live on Advil and use a tens unit and heat and have to use a walker still for stability.
I have been to 5 doctors and they all say the knee replacement looks fine, done well, size correct and so forth.
From what I have been told there are a lot of cases where knee replacements are still painful but they have no answers.
I refused to have the left knee done, due to osteoarthirits, and don't know what to do either. The steroids and gels worked on my left knee several times, but lately they are not working. I am sure the knee is too far gone, but still not convinced TKR is the way to go.
Sorry I have no answers and sure wish they had some for us with unsuccessful knee replacements.
Hi there...can you tell me what you're 'bad experience' was with Iovera? That's the only thing I am relying on before scheduling my TKR. Thanks in advance!
Hi Adele,
I am so sorry for all that you have gone through! I also have low back pain and it’s hard when my left knee is so painful at the same time. I have made an appointment next week for a cortisone shot into the knee but I don’t have high hopes for great results. I’ve had them in the past, and little by little, they have been less effective. Like you, I just cannot see myself ever going through another knee surgery again. I keep hoping that something will be developed that will be less invasive and less painful. I find that I am using more Advil lately too, and at night, I put an ice pack on my knee. Thank you for responding to my post. I will be thinking of you. Take good care, MaryAnn from Boston
Yes, I had a terrible experience but they all vary so I hesitate. My pain was on the inside of my knee and a little at the kneecap. The Iovera procedure was not bad as far as pain "getting" the treatment but the next day there were areas that I could not even touch, could not stand a sheet on it. The treatment did nothing for the pain area and it is hard to explain this but it numbed the wrong side of my knee (outer) and it is still numb but still painful to the touch. I know how that sounds, I question it myself. How can it be numb and painful at the same time. I had this procedure 6 months ago and am still numb/painful. It is only supposed to last 3 months. I cancelled my TKR surgery due to unrelated information I got 1 day after getting the Iovera and because of the pain, I had to go see the surgeon because the Dr. that gave me the Iovera was unavailable and I was told he had an emergency out of town. I have not seen him since. My surgeon told me that I should not have that when I reschedule my TKR but at this point I am very hesitant to reschedule. The glute exercises are getting me by. I am not pain free but manageable. I can't imagine fighting the Iovera pain at the same time as the recovery from TKR. I really hope you don't have this experience. Like I said, not everyone does. I have heard people say they were so thankful for it. The best I can say is it's a crapshoot. There is a group here that shares their experiences with Iovera.
I am 75 and 2 1/2 years out from TKR and still in a lot of pain; images show it’s the right size, secure, etc. Can you tell me what glute exercises you are doing? Seems PT concentrates on quads a lot and it’s not working! I want to try a different approach. Thanks😊
What type of glute exercises did the PT recommend? I use a couple of machines at the gym that I go to that say that they are for the glutes. I’d like to start concentrating more on glute exercises and see if it helps me. Thank you!
My PT also concentrated on the quads also, so that is what I have been trying to do. Maybe the glute exercises would be more beneficial.