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Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Neuropathy | Last Active: 5 hours ago | Replies (6313)

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Hi Barb, I'm 81 years old, live pretty much alone (58 year old son with disability in basement), no dog but 2 budgies. I haven't had a fall in the last 3 years. But in the 2 years prior to that, I fell 4 times. So, I tried to exam what I was doing just prior to the fall....I was walking and talking to a friend and not paying attention to my walking. Each of those times I was only doing a quarter turn but realized that in doing so I was shifting all my weight onto one leg. It doesn't matter which leg, it's that the support leg is already unstable. I feel I need to slow down so I can concentrate on changing direction. In the house, I usually walk barefoot because I have a better sense of feeling about where my feet are/how they're positioned. However, my feet seem to go through cycles of cold and hot, so when my feel get cold, I put on thin, smooth cotton socks. I was using suede slippers with a lambswool lining, but my feet became hot too quickly. Also, I had a lack of judgement as to where my feet were and was always tripping over something or hitting a table leg. For me, barefoot allows for better foot placement because I actually still have some feeling left in toes and foot bottom. Outside, I wear flexible runners, sandals or boots. I live in Northern Ontario, so we have cold wet weather from October to May. Also, I use a cane year round. It really helps with my balance. A few people have mentioned buying a walker. I worked in a long term care hospital, and from experience with my mother, friends and myself, unless you have some knowledge from employment or elsewhere, I suggest you go to a store that sells mobility aids because there are many different kinds of walkers which are used for different purposes and physical needs. I have 3 walkers. I needed an aluminum one after hip surgery. I don't need a walker around the house, but I find it useful for standing first thing in the morning. I have a walker with a seat for outside when you don't know where you will find a seat. I took it to Paris and used it all the time there. I also have a very lightweight one without a seat which is easy to lift in and out of my car. It's great for the mall or a walk along the boardwalk by the lake because I know there are lots of seats there. I started taking a combo of gabapentin (pregablin) and tramadol about 20 years ago for fibromyalgia. My doctor (at that time) said that tramadol and an antidepressant, Duloxetine, work synergistically. The gabapentin is widely used as a neuropathic pain medication. I'm not sure why people take an opioid for neuropathic pain. My feet are ultra sensitive, so thin cotton socks and soft, breathable shoes (leather) are best for me. Truthfully, I hate being "old". Caring for myself just takes up so much of my time that I don't get to do many fun things anymore.😫

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Replies to "Hi Barb, I'm 81 years old, live pretty much alone (58 year old son with disability..."

Good Evening, @cariloo ~
Thank you for such a poignant and tender reply and look into your life in northern Ontario. You sure are familiar with cold, wet weather...my granddaughter, with her husband and baby live just over the Canadian border in Rainy River, Ontario. Their colder weather arrives early and ends later, also.
How wonderful that you can walk bare-foot! I can't take more than one step without leaning on or touching something really sturdy. I do use a cane 100% of the time because of balance issues, and like you, have 3 walkers ~ using the various styles as you do, according to the need and circumstances.
I think Ray's (@ray666) suggestion of one thing at a time is really wise. My faith has a saying, "the duty of the moment" that could also fit a similar approach, although it seems more of a prioritizing system than an organizing one. All of this sounds very cerebral, doesn't it?!
I can relate to what you said about how much time is spent caring for oneself. Gosh, I never thought it would take me a full hour morning and evening to prepare for the night or day ~ to say nothing of taking a shower! ~ and this is without makeup or any making myself to look presentable - lol. But this has become the case.
Still, I am so very content with the life God has given to me. I can maintain my own home with outside help of the yard in summer and snow removal in winter. And the support of folks with similar life circumstances on Connect is priceless. Sometimes we take one day at a time, sometimes one hour, sometimes one moment. And to add to what Ray said, one step at a time.
Blessings to you,

I appreciated your reflections on living with PN especially the last sentence. with CMT at 76 I am wondering how I will care for my husband who is showing memory decline and will need a hip op soon. 2 cats keep my busy and are good company. thanks for your thoughts.