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Regarding standards of care:
In the absence of treatment guidelines for bronchiectasis, the CCN Steering Committee is working with Center Directors to establish standards for centers. However, each center that was selected went through a comprehensive review. All CCN centers have met a set of requirements based on their designation to qualify. These requirements include the availability of specialty services, patient education, coordination of care, and continuing education of the director and staff (to name a few).

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Replies to "Regarding standards of care: In the absence of treatment guidelines for bronchiectasis, the CCN Steering Committee..."

@becleartoday Thank Linda. I may have misunderstood prior information, but it was my understanding that the Standards of Care were being developed in follow up to the US Guidelines (which of course are not yet published) and that these Standards of Care could be accessed by all patients, not just those at designated centers of excellence. It would seem that the centers of excellence are less in need of Standards of Care then the many local doctors many of us see, given the expertise in treating NTM at the centers of excellence. It is the patients of the local doctors who have little experience in treating NTM that in my opinion would likely benefit most from Standards of Care, Certainly it would give patients something to point to and say I need THIS. Did I misunderstand the purpose of the Standards of Care, are they not going to be a resource accessible by all patients but limited to internal standards establish exclusively for the centers of excellence? If you know ...