Hi guys! Just not doing so good when it comes to stressful situations. It’s the best kind of stress, picking out stuff for a new home (because, after saving money and buying an old home to fix up, we can’t live in boxes anymore!). So, I’ve been off Effexor since February and have had ups and downs. Mostly downs. Which is to be expected. Under a lot of stress. Just landed a new job with the school system making less than half my current salary. My husband is now working for a seafood store. My current job requires a massive commute because - oh, when dad died last year, I sort of moved our whole family. Mom has dementia. I’ve lost interest in just about everything but I’m trying.
I’m thinking of going back on an SSRI. Lexipro works for my mom. I’m really miserable and anxious and keep making insane snap decisions and anxiety is through the roof. That being said, it’s my anxiousness that pushes me to get things done. (I’m happy I got my new job. It’s a better place.)
I don’t want to be on again off again with these medications. And I was in Effexor for more than 20 years!
Going to meditate now. That helps. But (like I’ve done in the past) I’m seriously thinking about calling my doctor and starting up again.
Any advice is helpful. I love this forum.
PS: this is mostly for my family and friends. They are noticing...
Hey, this blog isn't about not taking medication you need--it's just about minimizing withdrawal symptoms when quitting Effexor. Stress while reducing Effexor, or withdrawn from Effexor can definitely worsen your withdrawal symptoms (and these can last a looonnng time--I'm a year+ off Effexor and when my supplements aren't enough, I take my prescribed Valium). Only you know how you feel. There's no point in being miserable.