Skin problem and blow outs on bag edge
I am almost 6 months out of surgery. I have a rash around the stomach area where bag adheres to skin. Any suggestions?
Also. My stool seems to collect at the stoma and eventually pushes thru the seal of the bag. Any suggestions? I started using the lubricant and it seems to help. Trying to firm up stool as well. Thank you
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It has been over a year for me and I still have that problem sometimes I have tried everything including different appliances and including lubricant skin tac etc but I havent solved it
Yes gasx helps me with gas and ballooning of pouch If I am extra gassy I may have to take a second one. I do use a deodorant lubricant in my pouch which helps odor
Thank you!
I really don't understand what you are referring too.
1. You should cut your hole in the pouch to fit your Stoma.
2. The Barrier Ring should be stretched so the holes match up.
3. Skin should be cleaned with warm cloth and you should shave hair.
4. Dry skin with hair dryer with warm heat not hot.
5. Spray Skin Barrier spray on skin around Stoma and let it dry.
6. Place pouch over Stoma lining up the hole.
7. Place belt on pouch immediately.
8. Your pouch should be several inches long and the stool should pass out of your Stoma into the pouch and flow down to the bottom of the pouch.
9. All pouches that I have seen have an opening at the bottom so that you can drain out the stool when it gets half full.
Something must be wrong if the above instructions will not work. You need to see someone in person to resolve this matter.
That’s what I do. Clean the area well with warm wash cloth and use adhesive remover I cut the bag to open around my stoma. I stretch the barrier ring and place on clean, dry skin placing the bag over that. I do not use a belt. I now have a liquid stool for 5 days. Stinky!
can’t get a solid stool now. I use a hair dryer on med heat and blower to set.
When we end up with an Ostomy they don't give us enough instructions. Then when we get home the Home Health Nurse doesn't know much more than we do and we have to try to learn the best we can. I've done everything I can to help you but I feel that you need to see a professional. I wish you the best.
TY. I have an appt next week.
Be sure and write down all your questions so that you won't forget anything. Sometimes I forget things.
Sounds like you’re doing everything right. Although I’ve tried it, I don’t use adhesive remover. I tend to find that adhesive remover reduces the ability of the wafer to stick as well, I just wash well with warm water and a washcloth. I also don’t put the ring around my stoma, I put it around the opening of the appliance itself… And I make sure that it’s seated well before I put the whole thing on over the stoma. Then I take a barley damp q-tip (wet it with hot water and squeeze out excess water) and push it down around the top of the wafer next to the stoma while it’s on to get a good seal. Then I put the pouch on and then I press down firmly, on top of the appliance on the flange area and hold steady pressure down on it for 2 minutes. Then I gradually release my pressure over a period of about a minute. My stoma is pretty close to skin level and I also have a lot of loose stool, and this generally works well for me, and I can usually go 8-10 days between changes.
The sore area you spoke of needs to be fixed first, or not much will work.
I also use a product called Skin Tac . That stuff is amazing and really sticky…