Does anyone have advice how to get over candida?

Posted by osborn @osborn, 3 days ago

I have been suffering for over seven year and told by doctors I had acid reflux. It is worse in my esophagus and I feel all their slimy biofilm in my throat. I have low energy and still brain fog. First I had SIBO and a gastro dr gave me an endoscopy, colonoscopy, ct scan, swallowed a camera and many other tests telling me he couldn't find a thing wrong with me being down to 70 lbs. It was SIBO and got leaky gut, and took antibiotic, Next was candida! Thanks for any help! Osborn

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I had a build up of yeast ,candida overgrowth. Hope this helps.


Having trouble getting tested. They say test, don't guess. But these traditional doctors are horrible and they are of pretty much no help at all. It's like I'm 99 percent sure I have candida overgrowth but no one is willing to test me even though I have all the symptoms. Unfortunately I can't afford to go to anyone other than the traditional docs.

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I had an endoscopy that showed the candida in my esophagus and a little in my stomach. That was 08/08/23. I just can't get rid of it.


Were they specifically looking for it because you asked them to or did they mention it in the report? The reason I ask is because I had an endoscopy done - upper and lower and they never mentioned that I had it. However, at the time I did not suspect that I had it and now I'm wondering if I do after my ibs and sibo diagnosis.


I had an endoscopy that showed the candida in my esophagus and a little in my stomach. That was 08/08/23. I just can't get rid of it.

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Just happened to me-candida moderate-mid-esophagus. I had an upper GI added to colonoscopy due to esophagus stomach pain. Took anti-fungal for two weeks. Now on omniprazole. Not in my stomach too. I also have SIBO.

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