Stage 1 lobular breast cancer, anyone no treatment after surgery?

Posted by wyowyld @wyowyld, Feb 23 11:49am

I am one week out on my lumpectomy and according to recent statistics, have a 5 to 7% chance of recurrence in the next five years with this type of cancer without treatment. I cannot imagine putting my body through all the side effects of radiation and AI treatment when I have a 95% chance of nothing happening. Apparently with this cancer the risk is late recurrence, after 10 years. I am so torn and stressed out by the decision I have to make. They asked me to make it in the next two weeks. Am I the only one who has considered not taking any other treatment after surgery because I honestly believe there will be big advancements in that period of time?

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I had my breast cancer surgery December 2021 remove two tumors and seven lymph nodes. I didn’t know the second tumor was there until they got inside. I didn’t have any treatments after surgery.

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When you say treatments after surgery do you mean the anti estrogen drugs?

How are you doing?


When you say treatments after surgery do you mean the anti estrogen drugs?

How are you doing?

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Thank you for asking and I am doing great. Had a very small tumor and the lumpectomy healed quickly. I have declined AI for now, and have a meeting with the radiation oncologist tomorrow to decide whether or not I will do that.


When you say treatments after surgery do you mean the anti estrogen drugs?

How are you doing?

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I have another medical condition I have multiple chemical sensitivity I can’t have medication’s with chemicals so I couldn’t have chemotherapy which they didn’t recommend anyway. Nor could I take the pills they did recommend 4 weeks of radiation but I didn’t get it because I had a stroke to close to the time of the breast surgery they said I was at risk of having a major stroke with radiation. I did just have a circulating DNA biopsy came back positive but I think this has more to do with me, not having clear margin on one of the tumors removed than not having treatments. Margin was in question in one area of my breasts, but I didn’t realize that till a lot later.


I had the same cancer, stage 1, lumpectomy. I am going to have 2 weeks of radiation, and the 5 years on Tamoxifen. I am going to be in a trial with the Tamoxifen. 20mg Tamoxifen every day or 10 mg Tamoxifen every other day. I am hoping I get chosen to do the every other day. I feel good about my decision for me. Everyone has to make that decision, but I trust my doctors entirely. Best of luck to you with whatever decision you make.

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In Europe, France and England, I have friends treated with 5mg of Tamoxifen. They have good results and greatly reduced side effects from Tamoxifen.


I was diagnosed with Stage 1 lobular cancer in January of 2023. I had a lumpectomy and had the sentinel node removed for biopsy, which showed no sign of cancer. I live in a rural area, so my radiation oncologist offered me a fairly new radiation treatment schedule that involves higher doses of radiation given every other day for just two weeks. I believe this radiation regime was created in Italy. I had no side effects from the radiation, in terms of burning or post radiation pain. My Oncotype Dx score was 12 and did not have chemo, as chemo has shown to be ineffective for lobular breast cancer. (Whew! Dodged that bullet!) I took Anastrozole for 14 months. The first year, I had no side effects. But starting at around 1 year, I became depressed and my joints really started to ache. Especially in my fingers and hips. I opted to quit taking it as quality of life is more important to me at this point in my life. (I'm 65.) I just had my two-year follow-up mammo and ultrasound and received the "all-clear." I have a breast MRI scheduled for June and, hopefully, I will receive another "all clear." I get anxious before all of those appointments, so I understand your concern about whether or not you made the right decision. I would recommend you go through with the radiation. It's quick and provides a bit more peace of mind. Good luck to you in your journey. Hugs, Nina


You don't need to rush a decision. My oncologist told me to think on it and come back in 3 months. I am choosing not to take the estrogen blockers because I am 73 and I have other issues it may exacerbate. My radiation oncologist told me in his opinion I have a 2% reoccurence after having had lumpectomy and radiation.


Thank you for asking and I am doing great. Had a very small tumor and the lumpectomy healed quickly. I have declined AI for now, and have a meeting with the radiation oncologist tomorrow to decide whether or not I will do that.

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I decided not to have the estrogen blockers, due to concern about them exacerbating some other health issues. I have had lumpectomy and radiation.


You have a lot more time to think about it. My oncologist told me to think about taking estrogen blockers and come back in 3 months.


I sincerely appreciate everyone's great replies! I have made my decision. I am definitely foregoing the AI's, and taking on the risk for a better lifestyle at 68. I talked to radiation oncologist, who believes partial breast radiation is the best way to go. She said new recommendations just came out a few weeks ago, and for my stage, as described above, partial is the recommendation anyway. ALSO, because of this fantastic group, I learned about mepitel, the film you can apply prior to radiation to prevent skin side affects. She praised it and said the patient needs to order it from the Mayo store. She asked me to order extra and they would pay for it. I talked to the "Angels" the volunteers at our local cancer center, and they are going to use funds from their next fund raiser to buy it for women undergoing radiation. I have learned a lot from you all and am full of gratitude and comfortable with my decision. Best wishes to all!!! (I start radiation March 20th)

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