← Return to Excessive cold clammy sweats while tapering prednisone

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I wish I had insight to offer all you good people who are suffering so much! I hope you receive the effective help you need and deserve! I also have a question: I'm almost 68 and am in the midst of an MS attack (a new lesion at C2) -- this untimely event arriving long since everyone, including myself, assumed my disease to have moved into the secondary progressive stage. On Sunday I finished a three-day course of high-dose prednisone, 1350 mg per day. My neurologist insists that that current research indicates that there is no advantage to a taper dose and has refused to provide one. I am very concerned, as I do remember from many years ago that the one time I was not given a taper dose I had a very difficult experience (although after so many years I don't actually remember what it was like!). Do any of you folks have any insight about the importance/unimportance of a taper dose after short-term, high-dose prednisone for an MS attack? Thank you so much!

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Replies to "I wish I had insight to offer all you good people who are suffering so much!..."

Hi @rmarilynk77 - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Unfortunate to hear you are in the midst of a multiple sclerosis (MS) attack and you're concerned that not tapering off the high dose prednisone will be unsuccessful for you.

What I'd suggest is checking in with other Connect members in this community who have MS to see if they've been in a similar situation with needing to go off prednisone.

If you go to this Mayo Clinic Connect support group and search in that group on "multiple sclerosis," I'm sure you will find some discussions you may wish to join in on and where others will have more MS-specific input for you.

- Brain & Nervous System