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First off, best of luck to you keep in mind how nice it will be to not be beholden to this junk! Second, interesting to hear you mention the BP and heart rate issues, same thing has been happening to me after trying to go to 75 from 150 a few weeks ago - so far symptoms are only piling on vs. getting better and latest has been a small 20%ish increase in diastolic BP and a huge jump in resting heart rate (64 normally, climbing over the last week, now 115-130 as of tonight) . trying to decide at what point I should head to the doctor - 140? 150? went from depressed the first several weeks to somewhat manic the last week - and that is not an issue I ever had prior to Effexor - just hoping the damage this stuff has done isn't permanent. Best of luck to you al and hang in there!

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I was put on heart meds called metoprolol to bring my heart rate down. If I was you I would go to the Er so they can bring it down. Our heart rate should never be over 100 or it starts doing damage to our heart I believe. I'm not a dr but that is what they told me. Especially when we r resting doing nothing anything over 100 is alarming to me. When I went to the Er they gave me ativan threw my iv which should normally bring it down but it was not helping me so they then put me on the metoporal which brought it down but now it's going back up so I'm going to the cardiologist on the 6th and he is probably gonna up my dose. Sweet jesus I never thought it would of been this hard to come off of effexor. I hope you do go get checked out. Please keep me informed. Today I was suffering all day with my head and its actually feeling better now but I had to take a xanax and motrin just to slow my mind down. I wish u luck and God bless

I believe your withdrawal symptoms are only going to get worse if you continue to make 50% cuts. Is getting off Effexor fast really worth the misery it’s causing? I hope the 50% cuts weren’t your doctors idea. These symptoms may not soon resolve either so just in case be prepared. I hope you slow down your taper for your own good.
Good luck and please taper SLOWLY!!!