Prostate Cancer
I'm 75 yrs old. PSA has risen over last few yrs. Rectal exam seemed ok. I had a blood test- 4K SCORE (OPKO) (LMW) that resulted with a 3.83 PSA(4.1 a month earlier). Results of the 4K score was 13.5, showing a "Intermediate Probability" of 19.7% of finding aggressive cancer upon a biopsy test. I request a MRI in 3 weeks. Great doctor and not worried but I'm new at this but born a worrier unfortunately. Thoughts please. Thanks
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High or higher PSA's - maybe just surveilance, then its biopsy (probably a poke and hope - basic), then if biopsy not sure definately get a URONAV Fusion 3d - only way to go to know. Then its an MRI wo/w contrast, then a PET w/nuclear contrast scan to confirn localized, then its decision time: Radiation or Prostatectomy. Sums it up.
Has anyone did the Robotic Surgery? I'm schedule for May. Curious to hear about your experience.
Many of us have done it. Do a new conversation and more people will find and reply to you.
Make sure they can put you out I needed a smaller tube Took 6 anistegioligst to get me out Hand pumped me for 40 minute Then stopped the robotic as C to close to apex near bladder and would have made me incontinent Had 4 radiations 4 months later
Then don't eat until intestines' return back down body as they put you almost upside down on table. I almost died when bile piled up in my stomach Needed pumping out through nose
They also gave me a bunch of pills just before going in I had GERDS when I came out
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