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Hi, thanks for replying. That FOLFOX was no picnic—but we did it! I have residual neuropathy in feet and finger tips—but hoping it will resolve with time. After FOLFOX, a PET scan showed NED (no evidence of disease—yay, knock wood, thank God).
However, now I’m on Xeloda (capecetibine/oral 5-FU) pills. My oncologist said it’s like extra insurance coverage. Instead of 2 weeks on, one week off, my doc has me on 7 days on and 7 days off. Basically, pills every other week. He said some studies have shown that by the second week, drug cumulation potentially may cause more difficult-to-manage side effects. I’m extremely sensitive to ALL meds, so he felt this schedule would be more tolerable for me, and it adds up to the same protocol dosing. (Do not want to cast any doubt on anyone else’s treatment or experience—this is my individual situation.)
Just to be sure: were you on capecetibine (Xeloda/oral 5-FU)? How are you? How did you tolerate the pills? Hope you’re doing well now!

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Replies to "Hi, thanks for replying. That FOLFOX was no picnic—but we did it! I have residual neuropathy..."

I have neuropathy in my feet (I did about 6 months of accupuncture and that seemed to resolve the pain, but I still have numbness and some burning). I have very slight numbness in my fingertips. My oncologist told me the neuropathy would resolve within 6 months of finishing treatment and would not improve after that. Mine didn't really start yo improve until 6 months after treatment. Barefoot shoes have helped along with magnesium cream mixed with castor oil daily.