Post prostatectomy
Has anyone had the prostatectomy... I'm 57 scheduled for May. Not sure if I want the surgery or radiation. Any recommendations?
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Has anyone had the prostatectomy... I'm 57 scheduled for May. Not sure if I want the surgery or radiation. Any recommendations?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.
This is great information thank you very much. I feel like I should know this but what is the Decipher score? Is that free PSA? I can't think of what number fits that category. Maybe I should consider active surveillance. Nevertheless, I haven't consulted many doctors.. But I'm in Scottdale right next door to the Mayo Clinic. I feel like I'm in good hands. Having been through radiation on my throat I know what to expect. It kills everything. Here's my email if you have more to share.
You can just DM me right here on the site.
The Decipher is a test where they take your biopsy samples and analyze it against patterns of hundreds of thousands of other tests to determine if what the biopsy is seeing is statistically wrong - basically a genetic test. They found the DNA properties of my biopsy were indicative of worse cancer than what was reported.
Prostate removal does not shorten your penis, atrophy shortens your penis as the urethra shrinks due to lack of use. The current belief is that "morning wood" or nocturnal erections, of which most men have at least 4-6 a night, are there to prevent this very thing from happening. If you do not have ED and can maintain an erection, your length and girth should remain the same. If you do have ED then doctors recommend using a pump to keep the urethra stretched to prevent loss of size.
The only side effect that is guaranteed is loss of ejaculate, period. ED, incontinence, penis size, etc are all possible, depending on the results of the surgery - but not guaranteed.
My doctor put me on 5mg of tadalafil a month ahead of surgery to build it up in my system in case it was needed to provide erections after. That plus L-Citraline just help with any possible ED.
Hi...I'm 72, was just short of 70 when first diagnosed. The prostatectomy didn't shorten my penis and I'm able to have sex, except that I needed to abstain for 6 weeks after the sling surgery. Before the sling there was a problem with ejaculating urine, but that has improved.