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Replies to "Has anyone did the Robotic Surgery? I'm schedule for May. Curious to hear about your experience."
Prostate Cancer | Last Active: 1 hour ago | Replies (14)
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Replies to "Has anyone did the Robotic Surgery? I'm schedule for May. Curious to hear about your experience."
Make sure they can put you out I needed a smaller tube Took 6 anistegioligst to get me out Hand pumped me for 40 minute Then stopped the robotic as C to close to apex near bladder and would have made me incontinent Had 4 radiations 4 months later
Then don't eat until intestines' return back down body as they put you almost upside down on table. I almost died when bile piled up in my stomach Needed pumping out through nose
They also gave me a bunch of pills just before going in I had GERDS when I came out
Get everything detailed described
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