← Return to Coordinating MyChart access NJH - NYU LANGONE

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@kathyjjb I will be going to NJH shortly after you. My understanding is the first day you start with financial services (to make sure everyone is on same page re insurance, costs, etc.) and then you have first meeting with doctor who will go through history and work up list of testing for the visit. It’s my understanding that certain foundational testing is planned as a matter of course but may change once one meets with the doctor depending on history and patient circumstances. For instance, if one hasn’t been tested for cystic fibrosis, they will likely test for it but it is a one-and-done test so if you have already been tested elsewhere for CF NJH won’t repeat that test. Based on one’s circumstances additional testing may be ordered at the initial intake appointment or as test results come in over the course of your stay. Your ambassador should explain all this to you, but as I understand it a schedule will be prepared for each day, and it is subject to change based on testing, etc. I have had a lot of the testing already done locally and I was told that based on my initial appointment and how much additional testing we decide to do, I may be released early. But otherwise, I need to plan to be there for the full time. My sense is that we meet with the doctor day one and establish a plan for testing, a lot of testing then gets done, we meet with respiratory therapist, maybe nutritionist (if necessary) then we meet with doctor final day to discuss testing, etc. So, the schedule is somewhat fluid, again based on patient needs. I have heard others mention multiple meetings throughout visit with doctors, but again, I think it depends on circumstances. For example, I don’t believe surgery is an option for me, so I don’t expect to see a thoracic surgeon while at NJH, though that has been part of others’ visits. My one concern from your post is that you don’t have your initial doctor appt scheduled yet for day one. I would check with your ambassador as that is the appt that sets all the testing in motion for the visit and given wait times to get into NJH you certainly don’t want to get closer to the visit dates only to find you were never actually put on the doctor’s schedule and need to be rescheduled. Obviously you are in the system so hopefully that would never happen but the last several months have been a real initiation by fire for me with regard to how messy medical systems can be and how important it is to double check anything that seems not-quite-right (and then some). If you can’t get clarity from your ambassador call the scheduler that initially set your dates. I have found my scheduler to be extremely helpful. Also, you can always speak to NJH’s financial services, you don’t need to wait for your visit. So if you have coverage or cost concerns call them directly. My understanding is they run insurance approvals before they will even schedule your visit, so while they don’t yet have a complete list of what your visit will involve, so they can’t give a precise answer, they should be able to confirm coverage approvals and identify any copays, etc. Of course, I would also recommend you review same directly with your insurance carrier. I was told by my pulmonary rehab program I had no copay, only to be billed for one by my insurance several months later.

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Replies to "@kathyjjb I will be going to NJH shortly after you. My understanding is the first day..."

Thank you for the detailed response. I really appreciate it! I will call NJH tomorrow and see what they say. My doctor's appointment is 10 days after the first and only appointment scheduled. Coming from Arizona, that would be difficult. Good luck to you! Kathy