Newly diagnosed and really confused

Posted by kev13168 @kev13168, 22 hours ago

Hello All, I had a tumor removed 3/4/25 and was told they felt they got it and we would monitor it closely for a period of time. They now have informed me after reading the oncology report I will need additional treatment because the tumor had moved into the second layer of my esophagus. Two treatment options are surgical or chemo and radiation for five weeks. They feel both options have a good chance. I just can’t find much information on anyone just using chemotherapy/radiation alone. Has anyone here tried this course of action?
Thank you

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Esophageal Cancer Support Group.

First, my impression is you're in a good place given that the tumor cells are localized and you have both surgery and chemo/radiation as options. I would highly recommend you ask these detailed questions to your surgeon. Is the surgery endoscopic or will they perform an esophogectomy? Big difference between the two. The good thing is you potentially could go the non-surgical route first, monitor and surgery later if warranted. Again, I'm not a Doctor so get some more clarity for your plan from the medical team. Best of luck... you've got this!


The best place to go to get your questions answered and to get educated on everything EC is at the EC support group zoom calls that happen every Sunday @9am ET and Wed @6pm ET. There are many EC survivors there, including myself, that can help inform and answer questions. There are also occasional visits by world class Thoracic surgeons that join us to go even deeper into the EC topic.


Just tried to join my first zoom meeting but failed sadly. I worked out that with the time difference between EST and New Zealand it would be at 11am on a Tuesday. I could be very wrong tho
Anyway I have never done zoom before so have no idea what to do although I have downloaded the app

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