← Return to Biopsy Complete (Not So Great Afterwards) - Waiting For Results

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From your description of your biopsies I assume it was done transrectal. Where you given the option of transrectal or transpernial?

The discomfort transrectal adds, being awake, is why many of us on MCC chose transpernial. You are under anethesia and lot easier on body as not going through rectum.

I was told to take it easy for several weeks. The blood you mentioned in urine is common as there is going to be some bleeding in prostate that gets into urine.

The blood in your semen so close to your biopsies is not something I can comment on as I followed the advice of my R/Os. It was several months not weeks that I indulged in sex only to find I had dry orgasmans. That experience shocked me but found on MCC was also common. I think my uroglogist and R/Os did mentioned it but sex was not something I was thinking about during this time.

You write extremely well. Are you in the profession of writing?

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Replies to "@hoops0200 From your description of your biopsies I assume it was done transrectal. Where you given..."

Thanks! I was not given an option, so I did the transrectal by default, I guess. If I ever had to do it again, I would certainly ask about the other, as I have heard it is far easier to recuperate from! I'll get a new Urologist in April after my current guy retires.

Thanks for the compliment on writing well! I was a Communication (Speech, Journalism, Radio Broadcasting) major in college, but found it difficult to break into anything to earn serious money back then. So, I got into management. I have been published in magazines, newspapers, journals, etc, as a contributing writer, but nothing too serious. I love creative writing and have stacks of 3-ring binders full of content. Maybe my kids or grandkids will publish me posthumously one day. LOL! I know the 6-foot high stack of personal journals might keep them busy if my wife allows for others to read them!