Anyone else had letrozole to treat uterine cancer?
I was just put on letrozole after having 6 round of chemo. I don't hold much hope in this treatment as it has a 9% efficacy rating, but my doc said it has one of the least side effects. Have been taking it for 10 days now and have started bleeding--not spotting. Was wondering if anyone else has had the same experience.
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Thank you for the heads-up. I'm only on Letrozole at the moment,, and expect that I will need something else in the very near future. This is because Letrozole has only a 9% efficacy rate. If verzenio is suggested, I'll let the oncologist know about the fx you are experiencing with it.
Thanks Colleen,
I have received helpful comments since you tagged fellow members.
No, the bleeding hasn't stopped and I don''t know what to do about it. Had an MRI the other to address pelvic pain. Still waiting for the results. Otherwise I feel fine. Go figure.
Sorry to hear that for you. Make sure your oncologist does more than just prescribe oral chemo, there are many more procedures which can be employed against this cancer.
Well, the bleeding has finally stopped. I had radiation to try to dry the tumor up and relieve the pain. It may have worked, although I sought out a naturopath and was given a number of supplements to take. That may have helped. In any event, the Letrozole did ZERO for me. I didn't have any negative side FX on it either.
Now on Enhertu.