Looking for recommendations to find relief for foot pain due to neurop

Posted by gary1968 @gary1968, 1 day ago

I’m 56 and have been trying to deal with neuropathy pain in my feet and nothing seems to work. Done PT, injections, special orthotics and nothing seems to help. Can anyone give me suggestions on what to use

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Have you tried LYRICA? This is an amazing medication that is like Gabapentin, but much better!! I strongly suggest this and/or a new off script therapy for nerve pain is a low dose of suboxone. I know it seems funny but, it works! Just finding a Dr that is willing to either do the research or has done the research on this new treatment! IT WORKS!! I hope you’re able to get the help you need!

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I just started Lyrica but it made me so dizzy, I had to stop it.
I’m taking it at bedtime for now, and slowly working up to 2 times a day.


If you have trouble with shoes being painful, I recently bought Barefoot shoes. They are the first shoes that dont hurt my feet. I'm a little skeptical that they improve the neuropathy but they are worth a try.


I have hereditary PN and Reynolds as well. I wear Ghost shoes - they are the best for me, although the pain has not abated. I have custom orthotics that help with the metatarsalgia. It’s rough for all of us, as we want to remain mobile, but it is so hard.


I too take lyrica. My pain management doctor said he started new patients at 900 mg. A day but then we both decided to try 600 mg. Per day. It has been 2 years now and I have never experienced the pain that you talk about. I know everyone is different but I agree with above comment. Give lyrica a try. It is worth it.


I just started Lyrica but it made me so dizzy, I had to stop it.
I’m taking it at bedtime for now, and slowly working up to 2 times a day.

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I can understand that. Start on the lowest dose possible, that gives relief. I’m sensitive to it too & can only do 75mg am & pm. & I’ve been using for several years. It still works & helps with sleep!
I wish you well & luck with getting a good treatment plan for Fibro! It’s very, very tricky thing!


I too take lyrica. My pain management doctor said he started new patients at 900 mg. A day but then we both decided to try 600 mg. Per day. It has been 2 years now and I have never experienced the pain that you talk about. I know everyone is different but I agree with above comment. Give lyrica a try. It is worth it.

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Wow! That’s an extremely high dose, even with an advanced case! Yikes! Cymbalta & Lyrica also work well together.


Have an Orthopod specializing in feet rule out.bone spur in big toe….i had them….surgery is a cheilectomy.


I also take ropininrole .50mg sometimes I take 3 of these pills. They were originally prescribed for my partners RLS restless leg syndrome. But I find that unlike pregabalin or some other meds they work almost immediately. I am going to call my neurologist to get my own supply of these pills


my doctor put me on a low dose of Duloxetine ( Cymbalta) which has reduced the pain level by about 50%. Going to see if raising the dosage might reduce the pain even more. Takes about 8 weeks dosing before you get the full relief.

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