Skin problem and blow outs on bag edge
I am almost 6 months out of surgery. I have a rash around the stomach area where bag adheres to skin. Any suggestions?
Also. My stool seems to collect at the stoma and eventually pushes thru the seal of the bag. Any suggestions? I started using the lubricant and it seems to help. Trying to firm up stool as well. Thank you
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I didn’t know you could bathe! Any special prep to do?
I clean the area with warm wash cloth and use a powder for moisture, blowing off excess before applying bag.
TY for the input. Whole new world
I will check that out. The skin worries me because I feel it is susceptible to infection.
If I get irritated here and there underneath my appliance, from repeat leaking, I’ve used a dusting of stomahesive powder, blow off any excess, then dab with non sting skin prep…for more diffuse areas I’ve used the ultra thin duoderm, that someone suggested on the skin around the stoma, then put the appliance on. If I have an itchy rash, like from moisture, I treat it like a fungal issue, and dust on some Desitin powder, blow off excess and dab it with skin prep before putting on the appliance
Your main goal is finding a pouching system that works better and doesn’t leak. Is your stoma high enough above the skin or closer to skin level? If it’s closer to skin level, barrier rings and a convex flange may help. I have an ileostomy with more liquid stool. I use Brava barrier rings and they are awesome. I also try and eat more binding foods to firm things up a bit, but when all else fails I do use Imodium.
I bathe when my system is calm and I havent eaten in a while I put a washcloth over stoma just in case it leaks and it really feels great to thoroughly soak and clean area. In between changes I use a warm washcloth also. I use a hairdryer to be sure area is dry before applying new pouch
That’s what I do. Have u ever heard of someone going in a hot tub? Just wondered if it was possible. Or too risky
My stomach is flush to the skin. I also use Hollister bags and the barrier ring. I think my blowouts were caused by the stool that collected around the stomach as there was so much! It wouldn’t drop into the bag just kept collecting til it pushed out. Good thing I changed all those diapers years ago in my day care!
My stoma. Is flush to my skin.
I don't know what you mean by heal. It took my Stoma about 2 Months to shrink down to proper size. The Stoma should be reddish/pink in color. If your skin looks raw around the Stoma you need to see a Dr, Stoma Nurse, or Wound Care Dr immediately. I can't emphasize this enough. Don't mess around with this.
I havent tried hot tub but I have been in pool with no problems
Bathe as in the bathtub? I would give a million dollars to take a bath but I have yet to even shower! I do have sitz baths and wash daily.
But a real Bath, omg, a dream come true. Is that safe for your stoma as far as soaking in water that could have germs in it?