Posted by ptully1 @ptully1, Sep 30, 2024


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Thanks, it sounds like we have very similar issues. About pushing it, I last saw my surgeon, April , last year, I told my neighbor that I was going to over do everything, before I saw him, I rode for miles, stretched , I can't walk much, but my knee felt ok, the day I saw him. Figures, right ! I'm like you though, I don't want to make it worse. After seeing this blog, I actually think something can be done, I felt like I was just pushed out the door, because they are so busy. I'm wondering if mine might be some sciatic nerve issue. Good Luck!

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My surgeon encouraged me to go play golf, but there is no way I could play golf. I seems like the starting and stopping of tennis, would make your knee flare up, like mine does.


Yes, I’m 17 months post-op - I have Plica Syndrome (thick pad of scar tissue under patella), patellar tendinitis, soreness, tightness and some numbness. It’s like it just won’t heal and resolve. My ROM is good (125-130). Just feels bad - I haven’t played light tennis, for example, because I don’t want to push it and make it worse. Have seen lots of PT’s etc. Thought this would go better…

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I just received an email, saying I have a new post from you, but it's not here

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@r46, If you click the VIEW & REPLY button at the bottom of the email notification, it will take you to the new post.


@r46, If you click the VIEW & REPLY button at the bottom of the email notification, it will take you to the new post.

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Thanks, but I did that ,and nothing there


I’m 30 months out on my right knee replacement. I recovered easily, ROM no problem, scar tissue started, and is now so bad, I told my doctor that I feel like I have an anaconda wrapped around my knee. Also have pain on outside of knee, right. Andrews Dr. told me there is nothing they can do, I’ll just have to live with it. Anyone have anything similar?

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Have you had Arthroscopic or open debridement of scar tissue? These work for some but if you are prone to excessive scarring, it could backfire in your and make it worse with even more scar tissue. I was recommended to have a revision to a hinged knee replacement. In this procedure, they remove your tendons and the hinge takes on the function of the tendons, which is an area where scar tissue builds up.


Have you had Arthroscopic or open debridement of scar tissue? These work for some but if you are prone to excessive scarring, it could backfire in your and make it worse with even more scar tissue. I was recommended to have a revision to a hinged knee replacement. In this procedure, they remove your tendons and the hinge takes on the function of the tendons, which is an area where scar tissue builds up.

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Thanks, After reading so many different situations, it hit me, what I thought was causing the crunching noise, is not scar tissue, I think it is the knee. I have tightness, but have full ROM, pain on outer side of the knee, IT Band ? I'm also going to have sciatic nerve checked out. Thanks again, for the info


I’m 30 months out on my right knee replacement. I recovered easily, ROM no problem, scar tissue started, and is now so bad, I told my doctor that I feel like I have an anaconda wrapped around my knee. Also have pain on outside of knee, right. Andrews Dr. told me there is nothing they can do, I’ll just have to live with it. Anyone have anything similar?

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I'm having the same problem. I only have 60 degrees ROM. My right is twice the size of my left I can only barely work 2 hours a day. I have no quality of life. Not able to do anything physical. Waiting for my pool to open. Only relief I get. I think I'm allergic to the surgical cement. It was like pulling teeth to get the info and name of the cement but got it. Scheduled at large trauma center hospital here in Milwaukee with top dermatologist to be tested to metal, nickle and all the compounds in the cement. Bad part is that this my revision already had a replacement w yrs ago when the cement was first put in my knee. Have never had any relief since replacement dec 2022. Then manipulation, scope a d revision last Sept. That's when they put back into twice as much cement. My doctor used top of the line nickle free replacement for my revision incase I had a nickle allergy.....never tested me for anything! It's mentally so frustrating going from somebody that was active 100% of the time and had a job that required me to be on my feet 90% of the time to being 90% disabled. I can't walk up a curb or get in my car safely, I've fallen 3 times on the ice. It's been a living nightmare. I'm sorry for such a long chat but it gives me support to know someone else understands what I'm going through. Please feel free to stay in touch .

I've attached a picture from a few days ago.


I’m 30 months out on my right knee replacement. I recovered easily, ROM no problem, scar tissue started, and is now so bad, I told my doctor that I feel like I have an anaconda wrapped around my knee. Also have pain on outside of knee, right. Andrews Dr. told me there is nothing they can do, I’ll just have to live with it. Anyone have anything similar?

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I was told it's permanent disability.


I'm having the same problem. I only have 60 degrees ROM. My right is twice the size of my left I can only barely work 2 hours a day. I have no quality of life. Not able to do anything physical. Waiting for my pool to open. Only relief I get. I think I'm allergic to the surgical cement. It was like pulling teeth to get the info and name of the cement but got it. Scheduled at large trauma center hospital here in Milwaukee with top dermatologist to be tested to metal, nickle and all the compounds in the cement. Bad part is that this my revision already had a replacement w yrs ago when the cement was first put in my knee. Have never had any relief since replacement dec 2022. Then manipulation, scope a d revision last Sept. That's when they put back into twice as much cement. My doctor used top of the line nickle free replacement for my revision incase I had a nickle allergy.....never tested me for anything! It's mentally so frustrating going from somebody that was active 100% of the time and had a job that required me to be on my feet 90% of the time to being 90% disabled. I can't walk up a curb or get in my car safely, I've fallen 3 times on the ice. It's been a living nightmare. I'm sorry for such a long chat but it gives me support to know someone else understands what I'm going through. Please feel free to stay in touch .

I've attached a picture from a few days ago.

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Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. Your knee looks so sore. I think I'm in the same boat as far as scar tissue goes - but I'm in Canada. I did ask my doctor about a nickel free implant, but got no reply - surprised, as he is supposed to be one of the best here. Had a revision surgery Jan. 31, and hoping for improvement. Another revision surgeon at a different hospital told me my knee was the worst he had ever seen - kind of like yours. Trying gentle, frequent PT. Last time, in 2016, the philosophy was "no pain, no gain", so I got no gain in ROM - only 40 degrees. Sure hope you have better results sooner!! again..... so sorry about your knee. Here's hoping that both of us have better results in 2025!!


I am 17 months post TKR and I have learned a lot. First there is a huge amount or us out her that didn't get the results we anticipated. Our surgeon's either don't care about our pain or don't want to take the time to figure it out. I have seen 4 ortho surgeons since my surgery about my pain all just took xrays and said it looks good. Thankfully my primary care dr does care. She order nerve study, CT, pain management blood work trying to find something, nothing showed up. Recently I researched local surgeons looking for experience and reviews. Found one, a young dr with great reviews so made appointment. He was first one that actually listened and ordered 3 level bone scan which showed a lot of inflammation around the femur at the implant. He is suggesting a revision. My primary care dr agrees with me to illuminate everything else before considering a revision. She has ordered a MRI to check for soft tissue or ligament problems.
I know this is long and rambling but keep the pressure on the Dr's. We are only ones that can feel the pain and remember surgeons cut on people so most of their diagnosis requires surgery.

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