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I’m so sorry you’re not doing well. Has anyone discussed electroshock therapy? Maybe it’s not called that anymore, however. But I have heard wonderful things about it. I have a friend who was treated with it and it helped tremendously. I wish doctors and people understood anxiety and depression better. I agree. These past few days have been harsh. For you even more.

Incidentally, perhaps it’s obvious but, are you a farmer? Reason I ask is because where I live, there are commercial in TV asking “do you know a farmer with depression” and it’s a common thing. I love in delaware, bTW. I’ll see if I can find out more. Perhaps there’s something specifically you need/are lacking that could help.

Keep on hanging in there

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Replies to "I’m so sorry you’re not doing well. Has anyone discussed electroshock therapy? Maybe it’s not called..."

@BUBS, my favorite brother is in Delaware...

@secretwhitepop and @farmboy - I believe what you were referring to, secretwhitepop, is electroconvulsive therapy, and here's some current Mayo Clinic information on that type of therapy https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/electroconvulsive-therapy/about/pac-20393894.

I do a little farming. Mainly deal with horses and truck when I can. Yes I've seen alot of commercial about farmers and depression. The way the farm economy is there is farmers taking their own lives around here. Very sad.