Your story gives me hope that you survived the dissection but concern that it happened much smaller than the 5.0-5.5 marker the doctors use. I have an ascending aortic aneurysm and like many of you, found by accident and measured approx. 4.5 nearly three years ago after a calcium test showed me in the 90th percentile. It has stayed the same, sometimes measuring smaller depending on the test. I am a 67 year old female, non-smoker, limited alcohol, fairly good health, blood pressure has been under control with meds for past 7 years, weight is fine and I do not strenuously exercise anymore due to a knee that needs replacing (putting it off until I learn more about the whole AAA thing). My father passed away when I was 13 from a AAA that burst so I am quite worried about having this. My cardiologist is very nonchalant/cavalier (a comment I see a lot in this group) and tells me not to worry, Keep the blood pressure doing well, and we will keep monitoring it with an echo each year. I recently found out I have mild to moderate sleep apnea but until I got on this group, I was not aware it was linked to aneurysms as well. The doctor did not stress any impact it could have on my heart. I feel like I have been given crumbs and told to find my way out of the maze! Very confused, frustrated and scared. I have tried to get in to see one of cardiovascular specialists at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ but they do not take my Medicare supplemental insurance. And they will not accept cash payment, like for a one-time consultation. I feel like I have gotten more info from all of you in this group than from any medical people! I did not know there could be issues with flying, I fly from Phoenix to LA and Las Vegas quite often for work/family, is this a problem? I was never told not to do any heavy lifting -I lift my 25 lb dog in and out of my SUV almost every day, is that considered heavy lifting? Aside from all the questions and concern I have been living with, because my father died suddenly when I was so young, I learned we are not guaranteed a certain amount of time, or anything else here on earth. I have tried to live my life with fullness, kindness and faith and have been blessed with amazing children, family, and friends but I think it would be helpful to know as much as possible to prevent what I can and accept what I need to. I truly appreciate all of you who have shared your situations and provided much needed information and support. Thanks very much!
Doctors should be trained in med. school to communicate with their patients. Gone are the days when a doctor kept a serious diagnosis secret.