Liver Functions after Whipple
Has anyone experienced high liver function levels (ALP and ALT) months after Whipple surgery? Mine have always been normal prior to surgery, but ten months out, they have become very elevated. I’ll be meeting with my oncologist on Tuesday.
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Thank you for sharing your details. My sister had Whipple in Dec 24 and in Feb 25 has learned of early onset NAFLD. Is there anything you have found to be helpful in managing liver levels? Did it ever level out for you?
@aangelaa, welcome. I'm tagging @pancreaticcsurvivor to make sure they see your question to them.
Angela, how is your sister's doctors managing her nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) post surgery? Is she receiving chemo or other treatment related to cancer at the moment?
I have had a great increase in my Alt PH. It was running 1200 and the went to 1800. Anyone had those kinds of high numbers? I have not drunk alcohol in many years. A little over a year ago my numbers were normal. My CT scan when I was in the hospital for infection and sepsis did show my liver to enlarged. My spleen also. Not taking Chemo as I had a very bad reaction to it. I no longer have an oncologist as they only do chemo and with no chemo no oncologist.
Hi Happyjack, What?? With no chemo, no oncologist? Sort of leaves you hanging with no help. I still see my oncologist and have refused chemo (since the big infusions with the Fluor... stuff, which I quit after 1/2 the sessions). I can't think of another doctor who deals with blood tests for cancer, etc.
At this point in my life, I have few answers, but I hope you find one for this predicament. Keep in touch...your posts are always helpful and easy to relate too. Courage, Carrie
Thank you for the kind words as always Carrie40. I think my medical staff have trouble understanding palliative care from hospice. I told them I wanted and DNR but I wanted any no invasive medical treatment for things like infection to feel as good as I can and enjoy the time I have left. But they just seem to want to keep increasing my pain meds. Thing is I am maxed out now where I can still drive and go out and enjoy myself on the days I feel well enough to do so.
My primary care doctor is on the board of the hospice I will use. It is a sister group with my palliative care and they share the same building. I still have a cardiologist and a gastrologist. But the palliative care nurse did admit that PANCAN was not common and they do not see much of it at all. I think they are finally starting to spend more time with testing on me when they totally missed my infection. And I think they are calling someone when they don't know for sure.
Best of luck to all dealing with cancer.
Thanks, happyjack. I just posted a new comment about my new peritoneal carcinomatosis diagnosis--postings get difficult to follow sometimes with various comments. Hope you are like me and try to read all the postings every day. Anyway, so glad you are still getting help--I'm about to start considering Hospice myself as I learn more about this new development. Carrie
I found the post earlier but now it seems to be gone. With what I remember you had scans showing no evidence of decease and then one that did all of a sudden. From what I have read scans are not 100% kind of like CA19. I read where one poster was told that inflammation can hide a growth like it can cause a false high. And I even read where some medications can cause high CA19 levels. I have no confirmed results with either of those but it would seem possible that the reason I have no evidence of decease on my scans and my weight loss indicate other wise. I feel bad for you with the news after having a good run. We have both made the choice to just wait for the day for it to return but I know I told my nurse that a high CA19 could be caused by infection and she was very sad at that high a number and did not believe it until the next blood test showed that to be true. And I struggle every day with my choice of no invasive treatments and catch myself wanting to modify that as to not include minor invasive treatments. You have been in my thoughts all day trying to find the words as this is what I could face any day. I was trying to think of what I would like for someone to say to me. About all that I was able to think of was I hope you do not suffer at all. That is my biggest wish I have for me. And who knows how long we can go on even with hospice. Some folks have to renew as they run out of time. Continue to find the things you like to do on your good days. I do that now. And even on bad days I have my sons and that is win for any day.
Wishing you and everyone many more good days dealing with cancer.
Again, many thanks, happyjack. Love your last comment..."I have my sons..." and I too am fortunate with a caring daughter and stepson. And I wonder about the treatments I have refused, and should I now try a different chemo. But in my heart I am content with the decisions and like you, hope not to suffer. In Colorado we do have a death with dignity program which is an option for me. Keep in touch--I admire your spirit to make your days as pleasant and fun as possible. Courage, Carrie