Sudden debilitating lower back hip and pelvic pain

Posted by prd2025 @prd2025, 5 days ago

About 5 days ago I had this sudden onset of pain. There was no precipitating event. It was gotten progressively worse where I cannot stand for more than a couple of minutes without the pain going to a 9 or 10. It’s both dull deep ache and the electric shock of nerve pain. It’s affecting my lower back right hip and pelvis. I cannot sit upright I have to recline. Lying on my back isn’t great either. I had something similar happen to my neck a few years ago and ended up have to replace two discs. Was also sudden. I am 46 healthy and active. I do carry some extra belly fat but all my bloodwork is excellent and I exercise every day. Now I can barely walk. Standing is the worst.

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You might want to call your general practitioner and ask for a Lumbar MRI. It could be a lumbar disc, though I'm hoping it's muscle. It does sound like a bulging or herniated disc. Do you get any relief bending forward.


I have an MRI scheduled for 3/25. Trying to get it earlier. Bending forward is painful so is twisting. I had something similar happen sciatica symptoms back in October. We only did an xray then which did not show disc issues. I was prescribed core training and exercise which I do but I started doing more consistently and it helped. This feels like a bomb went of inside me. Is it possible for the disc to slip suddenly with no incidence?


I have an MRI scheduled for 3/25. Trying to get it earlier. Bending forward is painful so is twisting. I had something similar happen sciatica symptoms back in October. We only did an xray then which did not show disc issues. I was prescribed core training and exercise which I do but I started doing more consistently and it helped. This feels like a bomb went of inside me. Is it possible for the disc to slip suddenly with no incidence?

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Sorry I have a pain management doctor at HSS I am working with who helped me with my neck. I also have my spinal surgeon waiting to see what the MRI shows. I’m not going to go through any injections if the disc is as bad as my neck was I’d rather have the surgery and not prolong the inevitable.


Sorry to hear about all your pain. Since you’ve had some other similar issues, maybe it is just nerve issues. I’m going to throw something out there not to scare you and hopefully not the case for you, but in case they can’t figure it out, you’re not improving and things just aren’t adding up. I know you said there was no precipitating event, but these two cases popped into my head when reading your story.

1) My brother was 45, thin, fit and so healthy. He was at the gym and thought he injured his back when unrelenting back and pelvic pain started. It was excruciating to sit and painful to walk. He went thru a year of PT that only made it worse. Started losing the use of one leg. The pain was unbearable. He remembered he had similar pelvic pain two years earlier after golfing but it went away. The 4th (!) doctor he saw for this noticed a shadow on the original X-ray or scan and pursued it. Bottom line, he had stage IV lung cancer and never smoked a day in his life. His pelvis was 40% gone and he had tumors in his spine. Although they found a couple tumors in his lungs, he never had any respiratory issues throughout his battle, just issues with all the metastases.

2) My colleague, 50 year old man, thin, fit and healthy was on his daily jog and suddenly had unrelenting hip pain. Thought he hurt it jogging. After 3 weeks of pain, he sought treatment and was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. Never smoked a day in his life and didn’t have any respiratory symptoms.

Because they were young and healthy and you are young and healthy, it’s easy to make assumptions of what it is or isn’t. Be sure to have a complete work up and consider what might seem to be a less likely scenario if you feel that the doctors are guessing or if PT makes it worse. Again, I hope your issue is simple and transitory, but I know the added pain my brother endured because of a misdiagnosis and assumptions. I hope his story can help someone else one day. Prayers for you and quick healing.


It would be good to see a neurologist for EMG/nerve conduction study and an orthopedic spine specialist for X-ray/mri of your spine. Sounds like you have spinal compression causing your symptoms. Discs, if degenerated, can bulge or herniate without much force.


Sorry to hear about all your pain. Since you’ve had some other similar issues, maybe it is just nerve issues. I’m going to throw something out there not to scare you and hopefully not the case for you, but in case they can’t figure it out, you’re not improving and things just aren’t adding up. I know you said there was no precipitating event, but these two cases popped into my head when reading your story.

1) My brother was 45, thin, fit and so healthy. He was at the gym and thought he injured his back when unrelenting back and pelvic pain started. It was excruciating to sit and painful to walk. He went thru a year of PT that only made it worse. Started losing the use of one leg. The pain was unbearable. He remembered he had similar pelvic pain two years earlier after golfing but it went away. The 4th (!) doctor he saw for this noticed a shadow on the original X-ray or scan and pursued it. Bottom line, he had stage IV lung cancer and never smoked a day in his life. His pelvis was 40% gone and he had tumors in his spine. Although they found a couple tumors in his lungs, he never had any respiratory issues throughout his battle, just issues with all the metastases.

2) My colleague, 50 year old man, thin, fit and healthy was on his daily jog and suddenly had unrelenting hip pain. Thought he hurt it jogging. After 3 weeks of pain, he sought treatment and was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. Never smoked a day in his life and didn’t have any respiratory symptoms.

Because they were young and healthy and you are young and healthy, it’s easy to make assumptions of what it is or isn’t. Be sure to have a complete work up and consider what might seem to be a less likely scenario if you feel that the doctors are guessing or if PT makes it worse. Again, I hope your issue is simple and transitory, but I know the added pain my brother endured because of a misdiagnosis and assumptions. I hope his story can help someone else one day. Prayers for you and quick healing.

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I’ll keep it in mind and yes that’s a terrifying scenario. I’m sorry for your brother and colleague.


It would be good to see a neurologist for EMG/nerve conduction study and an orthopedic spine specialist for X-ray/mri of your spine. Sounds like you have spinal compression causing your symptoms. Discs, if degenerated, can bulge or herniate without much force.

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Thank you for this. I think I might end up going to the ER because my mri and follow up are 2-3 weeks out.


Thank you for this. I think I might end up going to the ER because my mri and follow up are 2-3 weeks out.

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That may be a good idea if you are in that much pain and unable to function normally. The ER can do ct scan and other testing to get to the source of your pain and determine the best treatment options. They may suggest steroid spinal injections or other pain management options. Keep in mind that if you do get an injection, it could affect an EMG/nerve conduction study. You may want to ask them if they have a neurologist in the ER and spine specialist to help diagnose/treat you properly and refer you for next steps. You’ll want your medical records sent to your providers.


I’ll keep it in mind and yes that’s a terrifying scenario. I’m sorry for your brother and colleague.

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I truly hope the scary scenarios California described don't apply to you prd.

The MRI is an excellent idea. This may be lumbar related. It might also be a bad hip, although the sudden onset of symptoms suggest otherwise. It could be a pinched sciatic nerve.

Any reason you have to wait until 3/25 for an MRI? Given the pain you're in, they should be able to move that up.

All the best.



Sorry you're going through this! With this type of sudden onset pain that feels like electric shocks, I urge you to go to the ER.
Everything you need to have done, MRI, etc., is right there and you won't be waiting weeks. Don't wait.

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