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I need to decide whether to get left knee meniscus repaired (my meniscus posterior root is torn, and the meniscus is extruded 3 mm.) or get a TKR. I received steroid injections in the front of each knee, and although the pain has gone away, my left knee seems weak and a bit slightly unstable. I walk the dogs at a very slow rate each AM. The ortho doctor says that if I get the meniscus repaired, I'll be on crutches or walker for 6 weeks. If I get TKR I will walk the next day, but I know it involves a fair amount of PT and using a walker a lot. I'm not entirely inexperienced with joint replacement as I've had my left hip replaced (posterior) a few years ago (2016). So, how does one decide which procedure is best? I have no knee ligament damage, just a small Baker's cyst.

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Replies to "I need to decide whether to get left knee meniscus repaired (my meniscus posterior root is..."

This is always a tough decision. We know that age doesn't make our joints better or recovery easier, so that certainly would be a consideration for me.

Also, how much pain do I have after the injections wear off and how much the instability affects my day to day activities and whether the knee itself has wear or arthritis that will eventually need replacing anyway.

I also assume there will significant PT and rehab for the meniscus repair after 6 weeks on crutches or a walker.

Do you feel comfortable exploring the options with the surgeon? What is their recommendation?