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This doctor’s quote below spoke to me. The things I’d like people to know about LC and don’t see is that…
Other people (friends, colleagues, even some of my professional doctors) cannot see our symptoms outwardly.
Extensive and expensive medical testing often doesn’t show doctors cause for the long list of horrific symptoms.
So we feel misunderstood, often feel unheard and forgotten. And this adds a bit of hopelessness along with the ever present chronic physical and mental pain.
Long covid is a dreadful, and debilitating chronic illness. One with no tests, no medications and no cure.

Dr Ely said:
“Long COVID has joined the ranks of other acute illnesses caused by infection, where the person ends up with a chronic disease state,”
“It is a societal disaster. People look absolutely normal but they’re living in a nightmare and those around them don’t see it.”
- E. Wesley Ely, MD, MPH.

A collaborative group of researchers and doctors, funded by NIH,
are beginning a new trial/study “Reverse LC” at Vanderbilt Health/University Medical Center . The trial is to examine the effect of immunomodulation.
The REVERSE-LC trial will test the hypothesis that six months of baricitinib will improve neurocognitive and physical function in patients with long COVID symptoms.

Ely also said.
“Long COVID turns on a harmful light switch that alters the immune system in a way that causes immense human suffering, and we need to know if we can safely turn off that switch to help people find a pathway to recovery,”

Here is the link:

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Replies to "This doctor’s quote below spoke to me. The things I’d like people to know about LC..."

To jewel2020 —

Thank you for your comment about the upcoming clinical trial of baricitinib. It would be used to reverse LC. If I lived near one of the clinical trial sites I’d apply immediately to participate!

You quote remarks from Dr. Ely about longhaulers’ unacknowledged suffering. These remarks show that some physicians are informed about LC and eager to provide the best care available for LC. That is the case with my healthcare providers.

— friedrich

Thank you. I been in in REVOVER-VITAL and RECOVER-ENERGIZE and am looking at RECOVER-PACING. don’t know I’ll get in or get a placebo, but least it creates data. If I got into LC, I’d probably have to find a way to get to TN!