Need for hip replacement with no hip pain?

Posted by msvjv @msvjv, Jan 21 9:48am

I’ve been told I need a right hip replacement. My pain is in my thigh, not in my hip and has been getting worse for a year. I can no longer walk any more than a few feet before the pain begins. It feels more like a muscle/tendon/ligament injury. Xray showed two spurs in hip. Had an image guided cortisone injection that gave about a week of relief and then nothing. Has anyone had this experience—pain in the leg that signaled the need for a hip replacement?

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I have had the same problem for several years, The real problem is spinal stenosis for which I now have epidurals from a Neurosurgeon and I plan to start a PT program this week. I have hip bone spurs for many years and have had some success via PT.


I suffered for 20 years off with pain in the right hip area. Drs would move my leg and said hip joint was fine. Only after an MRI showed it was a femoral hernia did I get the surgery needed to correct it. Everything has been good there since.


Hi @msvjv,

How are you doing? Did you have a chance to see the replies from @fzyniteowl and @marthadean?

@msvjv, you mentioned you had bone spurs in your hip, did your provider or x-ray reveal any structural damage that could be leading to your thigh pain? It is understandable to be apprehensive to major surgery, did your provider walk through how a replacement would help with the pain in your thigh?


The pain in my thigh is from my very messed up spine


Hi @msvjv,

How are you doing? Did you have a chance to see the replies from @fzyniteowl and @marthadean?

@msvjv, you mentioned you had bone spurs in your hip, did your provider or x-ray reveal any structural damage that could be leading to your thigh pain? It is understandable to be apprehensive to major surgery, did your provider walk through how a replacement would help with the pain in your thigh?

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No damage. Yes he did.

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