Tell us an unusual thing that people don't know about you

Posted by Scott R L @scottrl, Oct 1, 2024

I'll start.

I have never, ever held a baby, toddler, or young child in my arms.

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Same. I believe many of us suffer from brain inflammation so we are acutely sensitive. Its also a sign of ADHD and can be temporal lobe epilepsy in my case, but I believe all of them are brain inflammation. There is a group studying brain inflammation I was surprised to find.

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Lately, I've been humming a lot, and it's driving my wife crazy!
I'm supposedly bipolar (diagnosed in 2009 with the sketchiest verification in history, IMHO). I haven't had one day of depression in roughly two years, so maybe I'm humming cuz I'm happy? Anyway, the missus says she's planning on hitting me in the head with something heavy if zi don't knock it off. So, maybe I won't be so happy after that and I can hush the hum.


My grandmother got measles at 2years old and ended up deaf from it. People don't understand many diseases don't hurt people anymore because of vaccines. (Not wanting to start a convo about that.)

But you don't stop taking your high blood pressure med because your BP is normal. You dont stop your epilepsy meds because you are seizure free. You don't stop your insulin because your blood sugar is good.

Measles. Scarlet fever. TB. Mumps. People like you (and even me at 70) help keep history alive, this important stuff people want to forget.

Measles outbreak in TX. Some children can end up deaf for life. Its a big deal. Thank you.

Have you thought of writing or even recording a memoir? Even if each chapter is about one thing unrelated to the previous chapters. Like where were you when JFK, MLK, RFK was shot? These incidents are rapidly getting lost.

I would love to go into nursing homes an listen to their stories and write them down. Hmm. I thinking about a volunteer job. Maybe its time for that?

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People are ending up "dead for life" in West Texas right now. And, from a disease that was, for all intents and purposes, eradicated from the States at the turn of this century. Stupidity kills.


"BTW, this is the 4th draft of this comment!"
OMG, I rewrite one post for sometimes an hour. And not even for typos. I always post too long I chide myself (and its true as I don't do short snarky responses.)

Except, the more I edit, the longer it gets. Thus: "I would have written less but I ran out of time." Lol

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"I would have written less, but I ran out of time."

So, if given sufficient time, perhaps we won't hear anything more from you at all? Do I have this straight?

Please, take all the time you need to formulate a reply.


Lately, I've been humming a lot, and it's driving my wife crazy!
I'm supposedly bipolar (diagnosed in 2009 with the sketchiest verification in history, IMHO). I haven't had one day of depression in roughly two years, so maybe I'm humming cuz I'm happy? Anyway, the missus says she's planning on hitting me in the head with something heavy if zi don't knock it off. So, maybe I won't be so happy after that and I can hush the hum.

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@itchyd that, too, drives me crazy!! Sounds! Zounds - I can’t stand any … except the sound of silence - especially first thing when I wake up! lol.


i knew i hit on the right subject,im gonna fit right in! my problem is my filter doesn't come on at the right time lol, I'm finding it best to just not open my mouth

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Don't go overboard, now!
You need to open up at least two times per day to brush and floss.


@itchyd that, too, drives me crazy!! Sounds! Zounds - I can’t stand any … except the sound of silence - especially first thing when I wake up! lol.

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Do you have a pair of sound-attenuating headphones, Rashida?

I've never tried them, myself.


i knew i hit on the right subject,im gonna fit right in! my problem is my filter doesn't come on at the right time lol, I'm finding it best to just not open my mouth

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@agah70 My husband has often commented that I have “foot in mouth” disease! lol. I still prefer talking in person - in fact, I could carry on a conversation with the lamp post if it answered me! By the same token, if I find myself all alone I still am quite happy with my own company - especially when I first wake up! 😆


Lately, I've been humming a lot, and it's driving my wife crazy!
I'm supposedly bipolar (diagnosed in 2009 with the sketchiest verification in history, IMHO). I haven't had one day of depression in roughly two years, so maybe I'm humming cuz I'm happy? Anyway, the missus says she's planning on hitting me in the head with something heavy if zi don't knock it off. So, maybe I won't be so happy after that and I can hush the hum.

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So, this is funny to me. I decided long ago there are two signs I am no longer depressed. One is if I hear myself "giggle" even alone in response to a silly thing that's happened on tv. Giggles never ever happen when depressed - laughing yes.

And the second is humming. I have decided that depressed people don't hum. That humming is what we start to do again when our depression is lifting. These two things I pay attention to as signs I am actually getting better.

Oh, the third is in our wording. When depressed we don't "jump in the shower." Can't even imagine that I can shower without a day of processing that it's time, about time! lol. (Though I just watched a video that seniors should only shower 1ce or 2ce a week as our skin is thin, it removes the natural oils thus creates dry skin that gets bruised more easily and creates tears in our skin that can lead to infection "in the elderly."

I heard someone on the news use the elderly when talking about a 55 year old killed in a car wreck. That word needs to be reserved for 80+. And when I'm lucky enough to reach 80, the word will still pieve me. BUT 55 year olds are not elderly, all women as not grandmas as this is also used for older women. "Elderly grandma." Never "elderly grandpa."

And while I'm at it, 55 year olds do NOT die of natural causes. I hope. Has live expectancy come down that far?
I was diagnosed as bipolar about 15 years ago and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was depressed for years, I had a few "high" episodes in response to medications. (xanax made me psychotically manic.) Mania in bipolar illness was not an appropriate dx if it was in response to an outside stimuli such as medication.

That has changed. Medically induced Mania is not listed as bipolar. It's also possible for people who have only been depressed to be bipolar diagnostically, (unipolar symptomatically.) Because my dr at the time was the first one to talk to me about brain inflammation and he was curious that I also had ADD and temporal lobe epilepsy - which he says is all inflammation as is mania. He put me on Lamictal and I have never looked back. I've had a few episodes I would label depression but never once have I been laying in bed reminding myself it was time to breathe again. I dread the day I ever have to go off of it. I was on brand name (2,000+ a month) on previous insurance but when I had to change I needed to go on generic.

all anti-seizure drugs are not created alike. When dilantin became generic, people started seizing again. I had not had a seizure in 25 years and I can't live where I am if I can't drive so I was very very careful about what generic I would use. (generics are not all the same, esp high blood pressure meds need to be the same manufacturer every month or nobody will ever understand why your BP is good one time and not the next. generics are not interchangeable. I'm huge on this. There is a book about it on Amazon.) The one manufacturer that is most closely associated with Lamictal (for folks who are here using generic without efficiency) is Unicell. I only take this manufacturer. It is the only one they sell at Walmart. Thyroid meds are another that all generics are not even close to the same. If your TSH is good then bad then ok again, find a manufacturer that works and stay with it. It can mean calling pharmacies to find who is dispensing it or your dr can write "unicell only" for example. Pharmacies can get different manufactures most of the time if asked.

OK. WAY off topic. I'm in an advocacy mood. lol. Perhaps the one person who needs to read this will.

ask your wife if she would prefer a different song. Hum together. If you are humming when the TV is playing, I would feel disturbed too. Course the other is are you climbing the steps of mania? the problem with bipolar of course is there is never just a good mood. Am I getting depressed? Is humming all the time a beginning sign of getting hypomanic. Trickly.

My doctor said "if bipolar meds help, you have bipolar disorder even if you have never been manicy." I wish more people with untreatable depression were put on bipolar meds just to see. It's changed my world. Anti depressants never helped tho I was on them for decades. This Dr helped me find nervana emotionally.

ok. long I know. I would have written shorter but I ran out of time. lol. (what is going on with social security has me riled up. They closed down their civil rights department! That is a far cry from DEI. Slippery slope.)


When people find out about me, they are surprised that I am orginally from Las Vegas, Nevada. People usually go to Vegas, not come from there.

Also, I am pretty good at holding babies small children. Women used to find it an attractive quality that I was such a "natural" at doing it. Now that I am older, women in that age group just call me "sir." =(

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You sound like a person who cares. Being a caregiver myself, I find it hard to live my life. I hope that I do not become a burden to anyone. My mind is sharp and I know I am taking great care of my spouse. We are still in love and I will be there as long as he needs me!


At least they talk to you.

The last time a young woman talked to me, she screamed obscenities for ten minutes because I chided her for parking in a handicapped spot. (True story.)

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You should see what they say to me. I have issues that need for me to be closer to where I am going. I just smile and keep walking. 😀

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