Your husband might be a good case for Pluvicto before anything else. That can greatly reduce the tumors all over the body. The problem is it only works real well with 1/3 of people and OK with 1/3 of people, the other third it doesn’t work at all.
The normal option for him would be ADT plus a second drug (Zytiga or a lutamide) and chemotherapy. That would shrink the tumors and then chemo would kill them. They probably would do this before or after Pluvicto.
They used to do chemo before Pluvicto, But doctors are changing their minds about the issue.
These are issues you can talk to your doctor About, but you really should get a second opinion from a high end medical institution.
Are you at a center of excellence for treatment?
Are you working with a Genito urinary oncologist, The ones that specialize in prostate cancer? Medical oncologist do not specialize in prostate cancer. They work with all different types of cancers.
With the right treatment, your husband may live many more years.
We're going to see a urology something oncologist at UNC on the 17th... He came highly recommended.
I'm tempted to try DUKE or Mayo here, but want to at least talk to ONE person first!
We really feel like it's so wide spread, I don't know if they'll even have an answer or just deal with symptoms.....