Best excercise to combat ADT therapy side effects?
it looks like walking is the winner with emphasis on some type of weight training. it also seems to align with just about anything that gets us out of the chair, couch or bed.
i am on day 1 of my journey. i want to fight pc the entire way.
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I'm 74, on orgovyx and looking at brachytherapy followed by beam radiation. I learned about two programs sponsored by my cancer center and the ymca. One is called project ralley and supports pickleball, and the other is called cancer survivorship. I emailed them and I''m waiting to hear back
I was an active cardio (race walking with hand weights) and weight lifting (resistance training) before my dance w PC. Simply have kept it up. The resistance training and race walking helps w bones and muscle which can be affected negatively by ADT and RT. Plus it gives a psychological boost.
Good luck!!
@mccannr, did you hear back and get enroled in the cancer survivorship program and/or the pickleball program? How are you doing?
Legs and arms.
Keep it simple so you can just walk out your do them
Try race walking - google it. It's not just fast walking.
As you're race walking, carry dumb bells of varying weights
Throwing your arms in the air . At a slower pace increase the weights and lift them over your head etc.
Also consider stair step tests like YMCA's But use it as a repetitive high intensity excercise. Do the three interval. Stop rest do another. and another. Etc Then add hand weights of various weights.
Yes it's Arduous as can be
But as my Nuns and drill sergeants at Ft Benning IOBC '70 both said (in varying ways to be sure)
"If it's not hurting you-
It ain't doing you a lick of good."
I met with the coordinator. I just had a PAE, so when I am able to resume activities later this week I will contact her. Who are you and wby do you ask?
I alternated exercises and did a bunch of different ones. Weight training of course to help prevent muscle loss, but also walking my dog 3-5 miles every day helped my spirit (and body), and then riding my bike 15-30 miles was also good for the body and spirit. If you ride a bike, though, I recommend buying padded underwear in addition to biking shorts if you've had radiation vs. prostatectomy because it's a bit uncomfortable if you don't.
She is the director/moderator for this forum.
@mccannr, I'm the director and one of the moderators of Mayo Clinic Connect and just thought I'd check in to see how you're doing. My favorite part of my job is connecting people and keeping the conversations going so everyone can share and learn. 🙂
Thanks Colleen. I''m doing OK. I have a couple of things worth reporting. First I'm participating in a joint effort of the YMCA and Moffit cancer center called "project rally". They published their research findings and you can Google it. I think it's going to extend further into a exercise program. Second, my primary care provider prescribed Ambien for severe insomnia secondary to ADT, and I'm certain it also reduced my hot flashes.
Find an exercise that's also good for your spirit. For me it was mountain biking and hiking with my dog. Even when I was severely depressed from the whole thing, watching how happy my dog was sniffing around in the woods made me feel better. Also, mountain biking forced me to keep my attention on what I was doing so I didn't fall vs. being in the doom loop that was constantly playing in my head.