thoughts on what I should do.

Posted by z1k @z1k, Mar 3 11:19am

48 years old , So How screwed am I. Dr. gave me two options radiation pellets or a Prostatectomy. Pet scan is next week. right now its panic and wait. was told if I did radiation then surgery was not an option after the fact as no dr would remove the prostate after I had received radiation first. but If I removed the Prostate and the cancer came back then I could get radiation afterword's.

Comment: The Gleason grade 4 tumor shows some nuclear stratification and
tufting suggestive of ductal features; however, the quantity of tumor
present precludes a more definitive diagnosis of ductal carcinoma.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.


I honestly don’t think a surgeon can “see” cancer in a lymph node or not- which is why most of the centers of excellence recommend removing at least six on each side.
Imagine them on a string running from your prostate and down toward the pelvis.
The pathologist examines them sequentially, first to last; if he sees cancer microscopically in the first, he then looks for it in the second and then down the line and so on until he hopefully finds none. If he does find cells then you are usually put on ADT and offered salvage therapy or surveillance.
Not removing a larger number of lymph glands is controversial. My surgeon, for instance, only removed the closest one to the gland ( I believe it was called the “bullseye node” in the path report) and I learned later that he was sued by some patients for doing just that.
Man, was I pissed!! But after going on various forums I discovered that a lot of surgeons do this for one reason or another.
I don’t agree with it or like it, but I am not a cancer surgeon so who am I to say?

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When I say "see", he did say that my lymph nodes were analyzed and no cancer was found, it was done in real-time as the surgery occurs, by a pathologist that attends the surgery. I can even see the detailed surgical bill where each of his tests had a line item.

My surgeon did indicate that it is his usual practice to remove all lymph nodes but the analysis indicated that was unnecessary and not done because that can lead to lymphedema.


When I say "see", he did say that my lymph nodes were analyzed and no cancer was found, it was done in real-time as the surgery occurs, by a pathologist that attends the surgery. I can even see the detailed surgical bill where each of his tests had a line item.

My surgeon did indicate that it is his usual practice to remove all lymph nodes but the analysis indicated that was unnecessary and not done because that can lead to lymphedema.

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I’m curious about how a pathologist can analyze a lymph node without it being removed first. I’d like to understand this process. Is it done by needle biopsy or similar?


I’m curious about how a pathologist can analyze a lymph node without it being removed first. I’d like to understand this process. Is it done by needle biopsy or similar?

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Hey ctl, as in my case, he probably took out the first “bullseye” node, and finding it clear, made the call that if IT was clear, the others further down had to be.
I certainly understand the logic behind it and perhaps the custom of removing so many nodes is a throwback to an earlier protocol🤞


Comment on DaVinci vs "by hand" ("open") prostatectomy. I'm a retired surgeon (not a urologist). Towards the end of my career, DaVinci robot became available @ my hospital. One of my younger colleagues jumped right in and trained on it. I did not, worrying that I might not have enough time left to get sufficiently skilled at it.

IMO from what I've seen and discussed with urologists, there's no question that the robot allows much more precision at the fine dissection needed to "tease" the nerves away from the prostate capsule. It takes longer, and requires the development of skill in technique. But if you can find a doc who's done at least 500 cases, you're better off with the robot.

That takes me to the risk of side effect of erectile dysfunction after surgery...a real problem for some men. Especially someone who has maybe 40 years of potential active sex life ahead of him.

There are many scare stories of ED, it does happen but I believe that it is much more preventable than commonly thought. Rather than go into a long discussion of how to manage that, I suggest searching on this forum and Google for penile rehabilitation after prostatectomy. Following a daily, multifaceted training program, I returned to full sexual function about 7 months after surgery @ age 74.

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How did you get back to sexual function in 7 month, boy am I jealous I’m 6 months out from surgery and finish radiation tomorrow. Then one more hormone shot so that’s another 3 months or more before I should try the different options. Are pills alone working or are you using jel or injection, thanks for giving the rest of us some hope , my oncologist told me my sex days are over but my surgeon disagrees, not fond of my oncologist as you can imagine


Regarding the “if I did radiation then surgery was not an option after the fact.”

According to data from the Mayo Clinic (in Dr. Kwon’s presentation), following initial radiation if there is recurrence, half the time recurrence is distant from the prostate so, surgery isn’t even a consideration. However if recurrence is in the prostate, there are other preferred treatment options besides surgery - like focal therapies (because the dose can be specifically targeted), brachytherapy, SBRT, and sometimes even re-radiation.

Treatments have advanced over the decades where the old-school thought used to be “no surgery after radiation.” These days, surgery should be considered as a final salvage treatment only when all other options have been exhausted.

(For a localized, 7(4+3), PSA of 7.9, I had 28 fractions of proton radiation (during April-May 2021) + 6 months of Eligard + SpaceOAR Vue. PSA now varies between 0.35-0.55.)


How did you get back to sexual function in 7 month, boy am I jealous I’m 6 months out from surgery and finish radiation tomorrow. Then one more hormone shot so that’s another 3 months or more before I should try the different options. Are pills alone working or are you using jel or injection, thanks for giving the rest of us some hope , my oncologist told me my sex days are over but my surgeon disagrees, not fond of my oncologist as you can imagine

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ED is not guaranteed, nor is incontinence. While I did not have radiation, I had RARP with most, not all, of my nerves spared. I had an erection within hours of surgery and have maintained frequent and strong erections since.

We have very little control over the outcome but so long as the nerves remain then you have a fighting chance. You can help improve that chance with hammering your pelvic floor.


How did you get back to sexual function in 7 month, boy am I jealous I’m 6 months out from surgery and finish radiation tomorrow. Then one more hormone shot so that’s another 3 months or more before I should try the different options. Are pills alone working or are you using jel or injection, thanks for giving the rest of us some hope , my oncologist told me my sex days are over but my surgeon disagrees, not fond of my oncologist as you can imagine

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First, a story I wrote about my journey. Not very prescriptive, but might be a bit inspirational:
Next, a link to the first program I followed, which opened several doors to the process I followed to success:

And, the elements (without the evidence-based justification behind them) of my rehab program. Not saying it's the only, or even the best way to proceed, only that it's what I did, and I succeeded:

1. I bought and followed the program Melissa Bradley Barrett offers in the link above.
2. I bought a vacuum erection device - - and used it ~ 5 times a week, specifically, pumping up for three minutes, releasing and milking out the engorged blood from my penis for 2 minutes, pumping again two more times. Total of 15 minutes.
3. I took the prescribed sildenafil (generic Viagra) 50-100 mg about 4-5 x a week.
4. Bought a vibrator designed for a flaccid penis and used it to induce orgasm 3-4 times a week. (
[#2-4 intended to keep the nerves involved in orgasm and blood flow in the penis functional while the erection nerves recovered. There is some scientific justification for each of them.]
5. During the whole process, my wife was a patient and supportive partner. While playing around in bed after the first two months was frustrating, it kept us connected as a team trying to return to whatever level of intimacy we could create at the time. Without that, I'm sure success would not have occurred.
6. I realised I was rebuilding my sexual function from scratch, and worked on each of the elements separately before trying to put them all together: read the last half of my story above for more insight.

I think it helped that my post-op PSA was "undetectable" 6 weeks, 3 and 6 months post-op. This freed up emotional bandwidth for the penile rehab as I wasn't worrying about my cancer...


First, a story I wrote about my journey. Not very prescriptive, but might be a bit inspirational:
Next, a link to the first program I followed, which opened several doors to the process I followed to success:

And, the elements (without the evidence-based justification behind them) of my rehab program. Not saying it's the only, or even the best way to proceed, only that it's what I did, and I succeeded:

1. I bought and followed the program Melissa Bradley Barrett offers in the link above.
2. I bought a vacuum erection device - - and used it ~ 5 times a week, specifically, pumping up for three minutes, releasing and milking out the engorged blood from my penis for 2 minutes, pumping again two more times. Total of 15 minutes.
3. I took the prescribed sildenafil (generic Viagra) 50-100 mg about 4-5 x a week.
4. Bought a vibrator designed for a flaccid penis and used it to induce orgasm 3-4 times a week. (
[#2-4 intended to keep the nerves involved in orgasm and blood flow in the penis functional while the erection nerves recovered. There is some scientific justification for each of them.]
5. During the whole process, my wife was a patient and supportive partner. While playing around in bed after the first two months was frustrating, it kept us connected as a team trying to return to whatever level of intimacy we could create at the time. Without that, I'm sure success would not have occurred.
6. I realised I was rebuilding my sexual function from scratch, and worked on each of the elements separately before trying to put them all together: read the last half of my story above for more insight.

I think it helped that my post-op PSA was "undetectable" 6 weeks, 3 and 6 months post-op. This freed up emotional bandwidth for the penile rehab as I wasn't worrying about my cancer...

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Kudos to you and happy for you as well , I will try my best to achieve your results otherwise a big part of my life will never be the same , regular sex with my wife for forty years has made me feel and act 20 yrs younger than I am , now I know how pissed my dog years ago must have felt when he was castrated ♣️


First, a story I wrote about my journey. Not very prescriptive, but might be a bit inspirational:
Next, a link to the first program I followed, which opened several doors to the process I followed to success:

And, the elements (without the evidence-based justification behind them) of my rehab program. Not saying it's the only, or even the best way to proceed, only that it's what I did, and I succeeded:

1. I bought and followed the program Melissa Bradley Barrett offers in the link above.
2. I bought a vacuum erection device - - and used it ~ 5 times a week, specifically, pumping up for three minutes, releasing and milking out the engorged blood from my penis for 2 minutes, pumping again two more times. Total of 15 minutes.
3. I took the prescribed sildenafil (generic Viagra) 50-100 mg about 4-5 x a week.
4. Bought a vibrator designed for a flaccid penis and used it to induce orgasm 3-4 times a week. (
[#2-4 intended to keep the nerves involved in orgasm and blood flow in the penis functional while the erection nerves recovered. There is some scientific justification for each of them.]
5. During the whole process, my wife was a patient and supportive partner. While playing around in bed after the first two months was frustrating, it kept us connected as a team trying to return to whatever level of intimacy we could create at the time. Without that, I'm sure success would not have occurred.
6. I realised I was rebuilding my sexual function from scratch, and worked on each of the elements separately before trying to put them all together: read the last half of my story above for more insight.

I think it helped that my post-op PSA was "undetectable" 6 weeks, 3 and 6 months post-op. This freed up emotional bandwidth for the penile rehab as I wasn't worrying about my cancer...

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Sounds like the fee you paid was worth every penny, she claims money back if you don’t see improvement in 7 days ? Assume it takes longer than that to know ?


Sounds like the fee you paid was worth every penny, she claims money back if you don’t see improvement in 7 days ? Assume it takes longer than that to know ?

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I didn't read that as a "results-based" 7 day money back guarantee, but as "satisfaction with the content of the program". She brings together information which is freely available, but rarely in an organized, focused manner, and then proceeds to outline practical steps to take in rehab. Not unlike visiting a PT after ortho surgery or injury. She also resides in an ecosystem of several other Aussies, with her podcasts, e.g. I found her a good place to start my recovery journey, but not the complete package. I got clues from her about where to look further. It was like getting my hand held as I blundered through Google looking for help.

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