Still up at 3am…
So my husband put foot masks on me, literally 8 hours ago, and he LIGHTLY rubbed them to get the mask to coat my feet because the skin on the bottom of my feet shed like a snake. Does this relate to anyone?
I had the masks on for about an hour and a half and he had to wipe the masks off and that was only the beginning…now hours later I’m still in horrible pain.
Just from him barely rubbing my feet, I can’t sleep because of the excruciating pain, even on my sleep meds.
Does anyone relate? If so, how do you manage it? Anyone that gets near my feet I instantly tense up and hold my breath.
I’ll appreciate ANY advice! Thank y’all!
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Yikes! Sorry to hear you had so much pain afterwards. I've never had a foot mask done but I'm wondering if it may have aggravated an underlying condition? Hopefully some other members may have some experience/suggestions to share with you. This article from Cleveland Clinic talks a little about foot masks/peels -
Since my feet are fairly numb most of the time, I make sure I check them in the morning and evenings pretty much every day. I also put a moisturizing lotion on them every night and wear loose fitting socks to bed after putting on the lotion. This all stems from a bad night experience rubbing my feet together and having an ankle vein sliced open with a rogue toenail. Fortunately I woke up for an old man trip to the bathroom and couldn't figure out why there was so much blood on the bathroom floor until I looked at my ankle and saw a little blood spurting out of the ankle. Paramedics gave me a Mr. Toad's wild ride to the ER and I've been foot vigilant ever since.
I think I've read somewhere here on Connect that some members have found Vicks VapoRub made their feet feel a little better at night. I've tried it and it doesn't help with my numbness but it does seem to relax my feet some.
Try Vicks it does work🩷
Try pure peppermint extract spray, it works for me when I'm having a really bad night. It's temporary, but it does work. You can get on Amazon.
@jewles63 I've tried Vicks and I’m guessing because my feet shed so much and having brand new skin exposed it just burns my feet so bad and just intensifies the pain I was already having 😒
@mrmacabre it’s in my Amazon cart now…thank you!!
You're welcome, I hope it works for you as well.
I’m sorry 😞